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Microsoft Word Functionality

  bullet small Templates
  OfficeInside Spell Checking
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  Word icon The oiWord Class
        Properties (New)

bullet small Dll Functions
bullet small Useful References

  How to add Spell Checking to your Applications
  Tips & FAQs

  About using "Mail Merge"
  MS Word Underline Styles
  MS Word Textures


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Procedure Extension Template
Add an MS Word object to a procedure

What does it do?
This template is used to add MS Word functionality to a procedure in your app.  We are still developing it and adding functionality to it, more info will come later.
You need to have added the Activate_Office_Inside global extension template before you can add this template to a procedure.

Editable Reports (Word and Excel report output)

Legacy Users: If you are using Legacy and would like to use the Editable Report Word and Excel templates you need to ticked on "Enable the use of ABC classes" checkbox under Global Settings on the Classes tab.

  1. Add the Local extension to a Report procedure (See "How do I implement it" below), and from the Template Type dropdown select "Reports"
  2. Click OK, and then select Generate from the Project menu
  3. Go to the Properties for the report procedure and click on the Report Properties option.
  4. Select the Report Target tab and either select "Ask at Runtime" or "other" from the Report Target dropdown. If you select Ask at Runtime, then user will be prompted. If you select Other you can choose the report output type from the Other Target dropdown.
How do I implement it?
  1. Select the procedure which you want to add this template to.
  2. Select "Properties..." from the "Edit" menu
  3. Click the "Extensions" button
  4. Click on the "Insert" button to add a new extension template
  5. Select "Add_MSWord_Object" ( found under the "Class OfficeInside" group )
  6. Click "Select", then "OK", then "OK" again...

What are my options?

General Tab:

Object Name:

This is the name of the Office Inside object that this template will create and implement.  Typically this would default to 'MyWord1', but you can change it if you would prefer to call the object something else.


Office Inside Spell Checking

Extension Template
Add Spell Checking Support to a window.

 Requires the Add_MSWord_Object extension to have been added to the procedure.

Important for Clarion 5.5 users
The standard spell checking template will not work on C55 RTF controls, in order to spell check RTFControlClass controls you need to populate the 'Office Inside Spell Check for C55 RTF' control template onto your window. This adds a button that when pressed will perform spell checking the the RTF control. See the section on C55 RTF Controls below.

Important for Clarion 6 users
A Checkbox has been added to the Global Extension that should be checked in order to use spell checking on a Clarion 6 RTF control. See the section below on C6 RTF controls for instructions on changing the required RTF class property.

What does it do?
This template adds Spell Checking support to a window.  Simply add it to a window procedure and you will be able to press F7 (or which ever key you select) and the currently selected field will be "spell-checked".
  1. You need to have added the Activate_Office_Inside global extension template to your application.
  2. You need to have added the Add_MSWord_Object extension template to the procedure that you want to add this template to.
  3. Add the OfficeInside Spell Checking extention to the procedure.


  1. By default you need a Spelling Suggestions window to allow the user to choose the correct spelling option. Use the "ShowSpellingSuggestions" template utility (From the Application menu in Clarion select Template Utility) to add a Spelling Suggestions procedure to your application.

  2. For Clarion 5.5 only: For RTF controls you need to add a "Spell Check RTF" button for each RTF control you wish to spell check. See the section on C55 RTF Controls below.
  3. For Clarion 6 and above only: In order to support RTF controls that yse the RTFTExtControl class you need to make a change to the a property of the RTF Class. See the section on C6 RTF controls below.
How do I implement it?
  1. Select the procedure which you want to add this template to.
  2. Select "Properties..." from the "Edit" menu
  3. Click the "Extensions" button
  4. Click on the "Insert" button to add a new extension template
  5. Select "Office Inside Spell Checking" ( found under the "Class OfficeInside" group )
  6. Click "Select", then "OK", then "OK" again...

What are my options?

Keycode to alert for:

This is the key that Office Inside will watch for, which will invoke the Spell Checker.  Typically this defaults to 'F7Key'.

Include All Controls Except...

Allows all controls that support spelling checking to be checked by default, except those specified

Exclude All Controls Except...

Does not spell check any controls, except those specified.

Spell Checking Window

The Windows procedeure that will be called to interact with the user. Normally this would be the oiSpellingSuggestions window imported using the ShowSpellingSuggestions utility template.


C55 RTF Controls

For Clarion 5.5 you need to populate the 'Office Inside Spell Check for C55 RTF' control template onto your window for each RTF control. You must have added a Word object to your procedure in order to use this control template.

  1. Open the procedure that contains the RTF control
  2. Choose Populate->Control Template from the menu
  3. Select 'Office Inside Spell Check for C55 RTF' from the list and click OK
  4. A button control is populated onto the window. Right click on the button and choose "Actions"
  5. Fill in the "Office Inside Word Object" field with the name of the Word object that you added to the procedure. For example: MyWord1

You can optionally specify the maximum size for the spelling checking string (this defaults to 256K), and whether or not a message should be shown to the user when spell checking is complete (defaults to on)

Clarion RTF Controls

A Checkbox has been added to the Global Extension that should be checked in order to use spell checking on a Clarion 6 RTF control. This has been added becuase in order to use spell checking on Clarion 6 RTF controls the RtfControlClass needs to have a line modified. If you have ticked this box to enable spell checking of Clarion 6 RTF controls, then open the file in your Clarion6\libsrc directory and change the lines that reads:




The PROTECTED attribute needs to be commented out in order to allow Office Inside to identify which control the object is associated with.


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This section describes the various classes which make up "Office Inside".  Each class contains methods and properties, which are documented below.  Each method is documented by giving the method name, the parameters, an example of how to code the method, a list describing what the method does, and additional comments below.

bullet smallThe oiWord Class - Introduction

The oiWord class is a "wrapper" class, which is used by the templates and by other classes as the "communication" layer between Office Inside and MS Word.  Should you wish to write code which communicates "directly" with MS Word, this is the class you're looking for.


oiWord Class Methods

New Methods (also listed below)

  SpellCheckString Spell checks a passed string
  SpellCheckHtml Spell checks HTML contents (ignores tags, script etc.)
  SpellWord Spell checking callback
Protect Enables document protection
  Unprotect Removes document protection
  PageSetup (Beta) (3.0.2) Allows all Page Setup options to be set
  DeleteSelection Deletes the current selection
  RefreshDocs Refreshes the Documents queue

Class Methods

  AlignCenter Align the current selection centre on the page
  AlignJustify Set the alignment for the current selection to Justified (tries to stretch the text to the edges of it's container)
  AlignLeft Set the alignment for the current selection to left aligned
  AlignRight Set the alignment for the current selection to left aligned
  Bold Make the selected text bold
  CentimetersToPoints Convert a number from Centimetres to Points
  CheckGrammar Check the Grammar of a passed string
  CheckSpelling Check the Spelling of a passed string


Adds a word to the Ignored list when spell checking
  CheckSpelling_IsWordIgnored Checks if a word is in the Ignored list when spell checking
  CloseDoc Closes the current document
  CloseFooter Closes the footer if it is open (returns to editing the main document)
  CloseHeader Closes the header if it is open (returns to editing the main document)
  Copy Copies the current selection to the clipboard
  CountCharacters Counts the number of characters in the current selection
  CountOpenDocs Counts the number of open documents in this instance of Word
  CountTables Count the number tables in the current document
  Cut Cuts the current selection out of the document and places it on the clipboard
  DocumentStatistics Provides document stats (page count, word count etc.)
  DeleteSelection Deletes the current selection
  ErrorTrap Called when an error occurs
  FindText Searches the document for a specified string
  GetFileName Returns the current document file path and name
  GetFontColor Gets the font color of the current selection
  GetFontName Gets the font name of the current selection
  GetFontNames Fills a queue with all available fonts
  GetFontSize Gets the font size of the current selection
  GetInfo Retrieves various properties about Word and the document
  GetNameOfDictionary Gets the currently selected dictionary name
  GetSelectionEnd Returns the position that the current selection starts at
  GetSelectionStart Returns the position that the current selection ends at
  GetText Returns the text in the current selection
  GotoEndOfDoc Moves the cursor to the end of the document
  GotoItem Moves the cursor to the specified item (and optionally extends the current selection)
  HideToolbar Hides the Toolbar in Word
  InchesToPoints Converts a number from inches to points
  Init Initialises the Word object and start Word if it is not already started.
  InsertBreak Inserts a break in the document.
  InsertPicture Inserts a picture in the document.
  InsertTable Inserts a table in the document.
  InsertText Inserts text in the document.
  InsertTextbox Inserts a text box in the document.
  Italic Makes the font of the current select to italic.
  Kill Kills the Word object
  LinesToPoints Returns the height of the passed number of lines in the document in points
  MailMergeGetRecord Gets the next record for the mail merge
  MailMergeRun Starts the mail merge
  MailMergeSetDataSource Sets the data source for a mail merge
  MillimetersToPoints Converts from millimetres info points
  MoveDown Moves the cursor down
  MoveLeft Moves the cursor left
  MoveRight Moves the cursor right
  MoveUp Moves the cursor up
  NewDoc Creates a new document
  NextLine Moves to the next line
  OpenDoc Opens an existing document
  OpenFooter Opens the document footer for editing
  OpenHeader Opens the document header for editing
  PageSetup Allows all Page Setup options to be set for the document
  Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the document
  PicasToPoints Converts from Picas to Points
  PixelsToPoints Converts from Pixels to Points
  PointsToCentimeters Converts from Points to Centimetres
  PointsToInches Converts from Points to Inches
  PointsToLines Converts from Points to Lines
  PointsToMillimeters Converts from Points to Millimeters
  PointsToPicas Converts from Points to Picas
  PointsToPixels Converts from Points to Pixels
  PrintDialog Displays a Print dialog box
PrintMe Prints the current document
  PrintOut Epanded Print method that exposes all Word print settings
  PrintPreview Display a Print Preview of the document
  Protect Turns on document protection
  Redo Redoes an action and has been Undone
  ReplaceText Replaces a specified sting or all occurances thereof
  RefreshDocs Refreshes the Documents queue
  RestoreSnapShotOfWindowPos Restores the window size and position to that which was saved
  Save Saves the current document
  SaveAs Save the document as a new file
  SetBackground Sets the background color
  SetAlerts Enabled or disables the display of dialogues to the user by Word
  SetFontColor Sets the currenly used Font color
  SetFontName Sets the currenly used Font name
  SetFontSize Sets the currenly used Font size
  SetPageView Change the type of page view
  SetParagraphFormatting Sets the paragraph formatting for the current selection
  SetScreenUpdating Turns screen updating (redraw) on or off
  SetSelection Sets the current selection in the document
  ShowMessage Displays a message to the user
  ShowToolbar Unhides the toolbar in Word
  ScreenRefresh Redraws the Word window if screen updating is off
  SetPrinter Sets the printer for the current document
  SpellCheckString Spell checks a passed string
  SpellCheckHtml Spell checks HTML contents (ignores tags, script etc.)
  SpellWord Spell checking callback
  TableAutoFormat Automatically formats a table using one of the styles that Word provides/
  TableCountColumns Counts the number of columns in a table
  TableCountRows Counts the number of rows in a table
  TableGetCellBackgroundColor Gets the background color of the current cell
  TableGetCellForegroundColor Gets the foreground color of the current cell
  TableGetCellTexture Gets the textre selection for the current cell
  TableGetColumnWidth Gets with width of the selected column in a table
  TableGetInsideBordersLineStyle Gets the border line style for a table


Gets the border line style for a table
  TableInsertRowAtEnd Adds a row to the end of a table
  TableMergeSelectedCells Merges the selected cells in a table
  TableSetCellAlignCenter Sets the cell alignment to center
  TableSetCellAlignJustify Sets the cell alignment to justify
  TableSetCellAlignLeft Sets the cell alignment to left
  TableSetCellAlignRight Sets the cell alignment to right
  TableSetCellBackgroundColor Sets the cell background color
  TableSetCellBold Sets the Bold attribute of the current cell's text
  TableSetCellFontColor Sets the font color for the current cell's text
  TableSetCellFontName Sets the font face for the current cell's text
  TableSetCellFontSize Sets the font size for the current cell's text
  TableSetCellForegroundColor Sets the foreground color for the current cell (for patterns)
  TableSetCellItalic Makes text in the current cell italic
  TableSetCellTexture Sets the texture (image) used for the current cell background
  TableSetCellUnderline Sets text in the current cell to underlined
  TableSetColumnWidth Sets the width of a column in a table
  TableSetInsideBordersLineStyle Sets the border line style for a table
  TableSetOutsideBordersLineStyle Sets the border line style for a table
  TableUpdateAutoFormat Updates the automatic formatting and applies it to any new rows or columns that may have been added and not have had the formatting applied.
  TableWriteToCell Writes text into a cell in a table
  TakeEvent Called each time an event occurs in Word if Event Callbacks are on
  TakeSnapShotOfWindowPos Saves the current state of the Word window, allowing it to be restored later
  Underline Sets the current selection's underline attribute
  Undo Undoes the last action
  Unprotect Turns of document protection
  Update Updates a property of the Word application or the current document


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AlignCenter ( ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.AlignCenter ()
TempByte = MyWord.AlignCenter ()

  • Centers the currently selected text on the page
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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AlignJustify ( ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.AlignJustify ()
TempByte = MyWord.AlignJustify ()

  • Justifies the currently selected text
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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AlignLeft ( ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.AlignLeft ()
TempByte = MyWord.AlignLeft ()

  • Aligns the currently selected text to the left.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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AlignRight ( ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.AlignRight ()
TempByte = MyWord.AlignRight ()

  • Aligns the currently selected text to the right.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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Bold   ( byte pOption=oiw:BoldToggle ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.Bold (oiw:BoldOn)
TempByte = MyWord.Bold (oiw:BoldOn)

  • Makes text bold / not bold
  • pOption can be one of the following equates:
    • oiw:BoldOn
    • oiw:BoldOff
    • oiw:BoldToggle
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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CentimetersToPoints ( string pCentimeters ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.CentimetersToPoints(1.5)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.CentimetersToPoints(1.5))

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CheckGrammar ( *string pText ) ,byte
TempByte = MyWord.CheckGrammar (StringVar)
  • Checks the grammar in the text passed as pText.
  • Returns true (1) if there were no grammar errors, false (0) if there were errors, and a value greater than 1 if an internal error occurred.
  • ( Current limitation of 1000 characters )

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CheckSpelling     ( string pText, byte pSilent ) ,byte,proc
StringVar = 'This is spelld wrongg'
TempByte = MyWord.CheckSpelling (StringVar)

if MyWord.CheckSpelling (loc:Var1, false, false) = true
  loc:Var1 = MyWord1.TempCString

  • Checks the spelling in the text passed as pText.
  • Returns true (1) if there were no spelling errors, false (0) if there were errors, and a value greater than 1 if an internal error occurred.
  • When you call this method, the queue (property) called self.WordsQ is populated with any spelling suggestions.
  • ( Current limitation of 1000 characters )
  • ( This documentation must be redone )

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CheckSpelling_AddToIgnoredWords ( string pText ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.CheckSpelling_AddToIgnoredWords ('CapeSoft')
  • Used by the templates when spell checking.  Adds the word passed as pText to a list of words to be ignored when spell checking.

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CheckSpelling_IsWordIgnored ( string pText ) ,byte,proc
if MyWord.CheckSpelling_IsWordIgnored ('CapeSoft') = true

  • Used by the templates when spell checking
  • Returns true (1) if the word pass as pText is in the list of words to be ignored

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CloseDoc ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.CloseDoc()

  • Closes the currently open document
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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CloseFooter ( ) ,byte,proc
  • Used after you have called the OpenFooter method to make the footer section of the document "inactive", so that you can continue working on the document.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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CloseHeader ( ) ,byte,proc
  • Used after you have called the OpenHeader method to make the header section of the document "inactive", so that you can continue working on the document.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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Copy ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.Copy()

  • Copies the current selection to the clipboard
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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CountCharacters (  ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.CountCharacters ()
  • Returns the number of characters in the document, or a negative value if an error occurred.

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CountOpenDocs (  ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.CountOpenDocs()
  • Returns the number of currently open documents
  • Returns a value less than 0 if an error occurred

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CountTables (  ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.CountTables ()
  • Returns the number of tables in the current document, or a negative value if an error occurred.

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DocumentStatistics (long statistic), long
Loads the entire contents of a file into a string. If the string passed is not large enough the required size is returned.


long statistic Indicates the statistic to be retrieved. Must be one of the following values:
  • oiw:StatisticCharacters: Count of characters.
  • oiw:StatisticCharactersWithSpaces: Count of characters including spaces.
  • oiw:StatisticFarEastCharacters: Count of characters for Asian languages.
  • oiw:StatisticLines: Count of lines.
  • oiw:StatisticPages: Count of pages.
  • oiw:StatisticParagraphs: Count of paragraphs.
  • oiw:StatisticWords: Count of words.

Return Values

The method returns -1 for failure, or the requested statistic if it succeeds.


numWords		long
pExcel			class(oiExcel)
    numWords = pExcel.DocumentStatistics(iw:StatisticWords)
    if numWords < 0
        Message('Could not fetch the word count.')
        Message('The document contains ' & numWords & ' words.')

See Also

StringToFile - write the content of a string to a file on disk.



Cut ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.Cut()

  • Cuts the current selection to the clipboard
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced

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FindText  (string pText), long

Searches the document for the passed strings and returns 1 and selects the string if found, or returns zero and does not change current selection if the string does not exist in the document. This can be called multiple times to find each instance of the string in the document (for example to make each instance of the string bold - see the example below).


string pText: The string to search for in the document

Return Values

Returns 1 if successful and selects the string that was found, or if the string cannot be found it returns zero.


! Find all instances of the word 'Hello' and make them bold.
loop while
myWord.FindText('Hello ')

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GetFileName  (), string

Returns the full path and name of the current file. If the document has not been save, it will return the name of the document, such as 'Document1'.



Return Values

Returns the full path and name of the current document on disk, for example 'C:\Documents\Personal\Accounts.doc'. If there is an error, or not document has been opened then a blank string is returned. If the current document has not been saved (and hence does not exist on disk) then the current name of the document is returned, for example: 'Document1'


Message('Current document file name is: ' & myWord.GetFileName)

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ErrorTrap( string pErrorString, string pFunctionName )

MyWord1.ErrorTrap PROCEDURE (string pErrorString, string pFunctionName) 
    parent.ErrorTrap(pErrorString, pFunctionName)
if pErrorString = 'Init Failed'
Message('Could not initialise Word! Please ensure that MS Word is installed.')


  • This method is called when an error occurs.  Office Inside provides embed points for this method (before parent call, and after parent call) where you can put code to deal with any errors Office Inside experiences (see the example code above - note the grey text indicates code generated by the Office Inside template, the black text is what you would add).
  • By default any errors that Office Inside encounters will be dealt with as follows:
    • First, this ErrorTrap method is called, where you can act on the error message as shown in the example code above.
    • Second, Outlook might display a message of its own.  You can suppress all messages by ticking the Suppress Error Messages check box in the procedure extension template.
  • Note 1 : Even if you suppress error messages the ErrorTrap method will still be called.
  • Note 2 : The Suppress Error Messages checkbox simply generates a line of code that sets the SuppressErrorMessages property to true.  You can set this property manually if you prefer.

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GetFontColor ( ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.GetFontColor()
  • Returns the color (value) of the currently selected text.
  • If the color value (long) matches any of the standard Clarion color equates, the method will return that equate (e.g. COLOR:Green), or it will simply return a long (color).

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GetFontName ( ) ,string
 TempString = MyWord.GetFontName()
  • Returns the font name (font) for the currently selected text.

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GetFontNames (  ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.GetFontNames ()
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were encountered.
  • Populates a queue (property) called self.FontNamesQ with a list of all available fonts.

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GetFontSize ( ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.GetFontSize()
  • Returns the current font size
  • Returns a negative value if an error occurred

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GetInfo ( byte pOption ) ,string,proc
TempString = MyWord.GetInfo (oiw:GetUserName)
  • This is a wrapper method which can be used to get various information, and read various properties, depending on the parameters which you pass.
  • The pOption parameter can be one of the GetInfo/Update Equates.
  • The string which is returned contains the information pertaining to the parameter you requested information about.

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GetNameOfDictionary ( ) ,string
TempString = MyWord.GetNameOfDictionary()
  • Returns the name (and full path) of the dictionary currently being used (to check spelling)

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GetSelectionEnd ( ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.GetSelectionEnd()
  • Returns the position of the last selected character within the document.
  • Returns a negative value if an error occurred.

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GetSelectionStart ( ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.GetSelectionStart()
  • Returns the position of the first selected character within the document.
  • Returns a negative value if an error occurred.

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GetText ( byte pScope=oiw:GetText_All ) ,byte,proc
if MyWord1.GetText (oiw:GetText_CurrentSelection) = true
  • This method updates an Office Inside property called self.TempCString (*cstring) with the text found in the currently loaded document.  Use the pScope parameter to tell this method which text you want, passing one of the following values / equates:
    • oiw:GetText_CurrentSelection  - returns currently selected text
    • oiw:GetText_All  - returns all text in document
  • This method returns a byte indicating whether the method worked successfully (in which case "1" is returned), or whether an error occurred (in which case "0" is returned).
  • NOTE:  The self.TempCString property should be treated as read-only...

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GotoEndOfDoc ( ), byte, proc

Moves the cursor to the end of the current document.

Return Values

Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.


if not MyWord.GotoEndOfDoc()
Could not go to the end of the document, an error occured.')

See Also


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GotoItem (long  pItem, <long pDirection>, <long  pName>, <long pCount>), long, proc

Moves the cursor to a location within the document, based on the parameters which you pass. Can be used to navigate to a position in the document based on a line, paragraph, bookmark, character position etc. The pItem parameter is used to specify which item to go to, and the pDirection parameter specifies which one of those items to go to (the first, last etc.). You can set the pDirection to oiw:GotoAbsolute and then use the pCount parameter to specify the number of the item to go to (for example the 4th line in a document).

Note: If the pItem parameter is oiw:GoToBookmark, oiw:GoToComment, oiw:GoToField, or oiw:GoToObject, this parameter specifies a name and the pName field must be passed to specify which item is referred to.


long pItem: The item to go to. Can be one of the GoTo equates:

  • oiw:GoToBookmark - goes to the bookmark specified by the pName.
  • oiw:GoToSection - goes to the section specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToPage - goes to the page specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToTable - goes to the table specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToLine - goes to the line specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToFootnote - goes to the footnote specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToEndnote- goes to the endnote specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToComment - goes to the comment specified by the pName.
  • oiw:GoToField - goes to the field specified by the pName parameter.
  • oiw:GoToGraphic  - goes to the comment specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToObject  - goes to the comment specified by the pName parameters.
  • oiw:GoToEquation  - goes to the comment specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToHeading  - goes to the comment specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToSpellingError  - goes to the comment specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToGrammaticalError  - goes to the comment specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToPercent  - goes to the comment specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.
  • oiw:GoToProofreadingError - goes to the comment specified by the pDirection and pCount parameters.

long pDirection: Specifies which items to go to, can be used in combination with the pCount parameter. For example if pDirection is set to oiw:GoToPrevious, then the count parameter can specify how many previous to go to (setting it to 4 will go to 4 items previous to the current one). May be one of the following values:

  • oiw:GoToAbsolute - goes to a specific item, for example the 2nd table or 12th line in a document. Use the pCount parameter to specify which instance of the item to go to.
  • oiw:GoToFirst - goes to the first occurrence of the item specified by the pItem parameter (table, line, paragraph etc.)
  • oiw:GoToLast - goes to the last occurrence of the item specified by the pItem parameter (table, line, paragraph etc.)
  • oiw:GoToNext - goes to the next occurrence of the item specified by the pItem parameter (table, line, paragraph etc.). Can be use in conjunction with the pCount parameter to move that number of the specified items.
  • oiw:GoToPrevious - goes to the previous occurrence of the item specified by the pItem parameter (table, line, paragraph etc.). Can be use in conjunction with the pCount parameter to move that number of the specified items.
  • oiw:GoToRelative - moves the number of pItems indicated by the pCount parameter relative to the current item. For example can be used to go four lines down from the current one.

Returns Values

Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced and false (0) if an error occurs. In the case of an error the ErrorTrap method will be called with a string indicating what error occurred.


! Go to the last line in the document
MyWord.GotoItem(oiw:GoToLine, oiw:GoToLast)
! Go to a named bookmark
MyWord1.GotoItem(oiw:GoToBookmark, , '
! Go to the first footnote in the document
MyWord1.GotoItem(oiw:GoToFootnote, oiw:GotoFirst)
! Move down 4 lines
MyWord1.GotoItem(oiw:GoToLine, oiw:GotoRelative, , 4)
! move back two pages
MyWord1.GotoItem(oiw:GoToPage, oiw:GotoPrevious, , 2)
! Move the insertion point just before the fifth endnote reference in the document
MyWord1.GotoItem(oiw:GoToEndNote, oiw:GoToAbsolute, , 5)
! Move the selection to the first cell in the next table
MyWord1.GotoItem(oiw:GoToTable, oiw:GotoNext)
! Select the Date field (assumes that there is a field in the document with the name Date)
MyWord1.GotoItem(oiw:GoToField, , '

up icon

HideToolbar ( long pToolbar ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.HideToolbar (oiw:ToolbarStandard)
TempByte = MyWord.HideToolbar (oiw:ToolbarStandard)
  • Sets a MS Word toolbar to be hidden.  For a list of valid equates which can be used, click here.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

up icon

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InchesToPoints ( string pInches ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.InchesToPoints(1.6875)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.InchesToPoints(1.6875))

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Init ( byte StartVisible=1, byte EnableEvents=1 ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.Init()

  • This method does several things, which can be summed us as "Getting everything ready so you can call the other methods in this class".  This involves...   ( To do )
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • Note:  The first time you initialize an oiWord object (after starting your app), it might take a second or two to start an instance (process) of MS Word, which it then uses.  Any subsequent objects that you initialize will first check to see whether they can use that existing instance of MS Word before they start their own instance.  This speeds up the method significantly, especially for doing things like using the Spell Checker.  This is all taken care of for you by the dll, and is mentioned here purely for those who are interested.  When your app closes, any instances (processes) of MS Word that the dll started will be closed for you automatically.   ( Must redo this... )
  • Note: You can also set whether Word is visible after you have called the Init method by using the Update method, passing oiw:ApplicationVisible.

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InsertBreak ( long pBreakType=oiw:PageBreak ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.InsertBreak ()
MyWord.InsertBreak (oiw:PageBreak)
MyWord.InsertBreak (oiw:TextWrappingBreak)

  • Inserts a break into the current document.  See the Break-Types Equates which you can pass as the
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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InsertPicture ( string FileName ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.InsertPicture ('c:\mypic.bmp')
TempByte = MyWord.InsertPicture ('c:\mypic.bmp')

  • Inserts a picture (image) into the current document, at the current selection.
  • Before calling this method, you can set the ImageProperties property to control how the image will be inserted.  For example:
      MyWord.ImageProperties.ScaleWidth = 80 ! 80 percent of original width
      MyWord.ImageProperties.ScaleHeight = 80 ! 80 percent of original height
      MyWord.InsertPicture ('c:\mypic.bmp')
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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InsertTable ( long NumColumns, long NumRows ) ,long,proc
MyWord.InsertTable (6, 3)
TempByte = MyWord.InsertTable (6, 3)

  • Inserts a table into the current document, at the current selection / position.
  • Returns 0 if a problem occurred, or the number of tables ( the table you just inserted will be the last table in the document / i.e. the highest number / i.e. the table number that is returned ) if the table was inserted successfully.
  • TIP :  If you have for example three tables in a document, and add a fourth table, this method would return the value "4".  If you then deleted a table (say the second table that you inserted), then insert another table, this method would again return "4".  What was table 3 before you deleted table 2 would now become table 2, the "old" table 4 would become table 3, and the new table will be table 4.  In other words, tables don't keep their table numbers if you start deleting tables.

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InsertText ( string pText, byte pOption=0 ) ,byte,proc    or    ( *cstring pText, byte pOption=0 ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.InsertText ('Hello World')
TempByte = MyWord.InsertText ('Hello World')

  • Inserts text into the current document.
  • pOption can be one of the following values:
    • 0  - default value.  text is inserted at or over the current selection
    • 1  - text is inserted before the current selection
    • 2  - text is inserted after the current selection
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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InsertTextbox ( string pText ) ,byte,proc

Inserts a textbox into the current document. A Word textbox can be used to create complex layouts, and position blocks of text anywhere on the document.

Before calling this method, you need to set up several properties, as shown in the example code above.  This lets you set up exactly how the TextBox will be drawn when you finally call the InsertTextbox method.

The self.Textbox.TextOrientation property can be set to any equate listed here.
The self.Textbox.ZOrder property can be set to any equate listed here.

  • NOTE:  The self.Textbox.BorderColor and self.Textbox.TextColor properties can either be standard clarion color equates (as shown above), or RGB color values, e.g. 0D7D7D7H.
  • NOTE:  You must either set the self.Textbox.XPos property or the self.Textbox.BoxAlignment property.  There is no point in setting both.
  • NOTE:  Once this method has completed drawing the textbox, focus returns to your document, at the line immediately above where the textbox was drawn.  If there is no line in your document above the textbox, focus will stay on / in the textbox.  Call the NextLine method before calling this method to ensure that focus returns to your "document" once InsertTextbox completes, e.g.
    MyWord.NextLine ( )
    ! set up properties, as shown above
    MyWord.InsertTextbox ('Hello World')


Return Values

Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.


MyWord.Textbox.BoxAlignment = oiw:ShapeCenter
MyWord.Textbox.YPos = 153
MyWord.Textbox.Width = 200
MyWord.Textbox.Height = 50
MyWord.Textbox.ShowBorders = true
MyWord.Textbox.BorderColor = color:yellow
MyWord.Textbox.BorderWidth = '5'
MyWord.Textbox.TextFont = 'Arial'
MyWord.Textbox.TextSize = 20
MyWord.Textbox.TextColor = color:red
MyWord.Textbox.TextOrientation = oiw:TextOrientationHorizontal
MyWord.Textbox.TextAlignment = oiw:AlignParagraphRight
MyWord.Textbox.ZOrder = oiw:SendBehindText
MyWord.Textbox.MoveWithText = false
! once the properties are set we can now call the method...
MyWord.InsertTextbox ('Hello world!')

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Italic ( byte pOption ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.Italic (oiw:ItalicToggle)
TempByte = MyWord.Italic (oiw:ItalicToggle)

  • Makes the selected text italicized / not italicized.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • pOption can be one of the following equates:
    • oiw:ItalicOn
    • oiw:ItalicOff
    • oiw:ItalicToggle

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Kill ( byte UnloadCOM=1 ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.Kill()

  • Closes any currently open documents (using the CloseDoc method)
  • Closes MS Word
  • Kills the oiWord object and handles any cleaning up.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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LinesToPoints ( string pLines ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.LinesToPoints(5)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.LinesToPoints(5))

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MailMergeGetRecord ( byte pOption=0 ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.MailMergeGetRecord ()
  •  ( Please do not use this method yet... )

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MailMergeRun ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.MailMergeRun()

  • Starts a Mail Merge process.
  • This method calls the MailMergeUpdate method before the actual merge begins.
  • Returns true (1) is no problems were reported.

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MailMergeSetDataSource ( string DataSourceName, string ConnectionString, string SQLStatement ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.MailMergeSetDataSource ( (longpath() & '\Addresses.mdb'), 'TABLE Office_Address_List', 'SELECT * FROM [Office_Address_List]' )
  • When you create and save a Mail Merge document, it stores the path to its Data Source.  If this path changes (e.g. when you ship) the Word document will no longer be able to open the Data Source.  This method enables you to set the Data Source path at run-time, which enables you to get around this problem (as shown in the example above).
  • A valid Mail Merge document must already be open before calling this method.
  • Returns true (1) is no problems were reported.

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MillimetersToPoints ( string pMillimeters ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.MillimetersToPoints(10)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.MillimetersToPoints(1.10))

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MoveDown ( byte pUnit=oiw:UnitLine, long pCount=1, byte pExtend=oiw:Move ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.MoveDown() ! move down one line
  • Has the same effect on your document as if you pressed the "down arrow" key on the keyboard.
  • The pExtend parameter can be either oiw:Move or oiw:Extend
  • Returns true (1) is no problems were reported.

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MoveLeft ( byte pUnit=oiw:UnitCharacter, long pCount=1, byte pExtend=oiw:Move ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.MoveLeft() ! move left one character
  • Has the same effect on your document as if you pressed the "left arrow" key on the keyboard.
  • The pExtend parameter can be either oiw:Move or oiw:Extend
  • Returns true (1) is no problems were reported.

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MoveRight ( byte pUnit=oiw:UnitCharacter, long pCount=1, byte pExtend=oiw:Move ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.MoveRight() ! move right one character
  • Has the same effect on your document as if you pressed the "right arrow" key on the keyboard.
  • The pExtend parameter can be either oiw:Move or oiw:Extend
  • Returns true (1) is no problems were reported.

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MoveUp ( byte pUnit=oiw:UnitLine, long pCount=1, byte pExtend=oiw:Move ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.MoveUp() ! move up one line
  • Has the same effect on your document as if you pressed the "up arrow" key on the keyboard.
  • The pExtend parameter can be either oiw:Move or oiw:Extend
  • Returns true (1) is no problems were reported.

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NewDoc ( <string TemplateName> ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.NewDoc()
MyWord.NewDoc ('') ! assumes system default template directory
MyWord.NewDoc (longpath() & '/templates/')

  • Creates a new document
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • If you don't pass a TemplateName parameter, MS Word will use the "" template, which is standard behaviour.  If you do pass a template name, the full path to the ".dot" file must be passed, unless the ".dot" file is in the default template directory.

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NextLine (  ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.NextLine()

  • Moves to the next line within the document.  Same as pressing the "Enter" button from within MS Word.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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OpenDoc ( string pFileName, byte pReadOnly=false, byte pAddToRecentFiles=false, <string pPassword> ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.OpenDoc('c:\test.doc')

  • Opens an existing document
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  •  ( Seems to be a problem under Win XP / Office XP if the datasource is not in the original folder... )

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OpenFooter ( ) ,byte,proc
  • Makes the footer section of the currently open document "active", so that you can work on / in it.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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OpenHeader ( ) ,byte,proc
  • Makes the header section of the currently open document "active", so that you can work on / in it.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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PageSetup (string pSetting, string pValue) ,byte,proc

Allows the Page Setup attributes  to be set for the current document (such as left margin, bottom margin, and paper size). Sizes are passed in points unless otherwise specified (see the notes below for the methods provided to convert units). For values than can be either True or False oi:True (-1) or oi:False(0) must be passed. Passing Clarion style Boolean values will result in incorrect behaviour.


string pSetting

A string specifying the settings to modify. Can be one of the following values:

Name Description
'BookFoldPrinting' oi:True for Microsoft Word to print a document in a series of booklets so the printed pages can be folded and read as a book. Must be oi:True or oi:False.
'BookFoldPrintingSheets' A Long which represents the number of pages for each booklet.
'BookFoldRevPrinting' oi:True for Microsoft Word to reverse the printing order for book fold printing of bidirectional or Asian language documents. Must be oi:True or oi:False.
'BottomMargin' The distance (in points) between the bottom edge of the page and the bottom boundary of the body text.
'CharsLine' The number of characters per line in the document grid.
'DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter' True if a different header or footer is used on the first page. Can be oi:True or oi:False.
'FirstPageTray' The paper tray to use for the first page of a document or section. May be one of the following values:
oiw:PrinterAutomaticSheetFeed   equate(7)
oiw:PrinterDefaultBin           equate(0)
oiw:PrinterEnvelopeFeed         equate(5)
oiw:PrinterFormSource           equate(15)
oiw:PrinterLargeCapacityBin     equate(11)
oiw:PrinterLargeFormatBin       equate(10)
oiw:PrinterLowerBin             equate(2)
oiw:PrinterManualEnvelopeFeed   equate(6)
oiw:PrinterManualFeed           equate(4)
oiw:PrinterMiddleBin            equate(3)
oiw:PrinterOnlyBin              equate(1)
oiw:PrinterPaperCassette        equate(14)
oiw:PrinterSmallFormatBin       equate(9)
oiw:PrinterTractorFeed          equate(8)
oiw:PrinterUpperBin             equate(1)
'FooterDistance' Distance (in points) between the footer and the bottom of the page.
'Gutter' The amount (in points) of extra margin space added to each page in a document or section for binding.
'GutterPos' Which side the gutter appears in a document. Must be one of the following:
oiw:GutterPosLeft    equate(0)
oiw:GutterPosRight   equate(2)
oiw:GutterPosTop     equate(1)
'GutterStyle' Qhether Microsoft Word uses gutters for the current document based on a right-to-left language or a left-to-right language:
oiw:GutterStyleBidi  equate(2)
oiw:GutterStyleLatin equate(-10)
'HeaderDistance' The distance (in points) between the header and the top of the page.
'LayoutMode' Returns or sets the layout mode for the current document:
oiw:LayoutModeDefault   equate(0)
oiw:LayoutModeGenko     equate(3)
oiw:LayoutModeGrid      equate(1)
oiw:LayoutModeLineGrid  equate(2)
'LeftMargin' The distance (in points) between the left edge of the page and the left boundary of the body text.
'LinesPage' The number of lines per page in the document grid.
'MirrorMargins' True (oi:True) if the inside and outside margins of facing pages are the same width, otherwise oi:False
'OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter' True (oi:True) if the specified PageSetup object has different headers and footers for odd-numbered and even-numbered pages, otherwise oi:False.
'Orientation' Returns or sets the orientation of the page:
oiw:OrientPortrait            equate(0)
oiw:OrientLandscape           equate(1)
'OtherPagesTray' The paper tray to be used for all but the first page of a document or section:
oiw:PrinterAutomaticSheetFeed   equate(7)
oiw:PrinterDefaultBin           equate(0)
oiw:PrinterEnvelopeFeed         equate(5)
oiw:PrinterFormSource           equate(15)
oiw:PrinterLargeCapacityBin     equate(11)
oiw:PrinterLargeFormatBin       equate(10)
oiw:PrinterLowerBin             equate(2)
oiw:PrinterManualEnvelopeFeed   equate(6)
oiw:PrinterManualFeed           equate(4)
oiw:PrinterMiddleBin            equate(3)
oiw:PrinterOnlyBin              equate(1)
oiw:PrinterPaperCassette        equate(14)
oiw:PrinterSmallFormatBin       equate(9)
oiw:PrinterTractorFeed          equate(8)
oiw:PrinterUpperBin             equate(1)
'PageHeight' The height of the page in points.
'PageWidth' The width of the page in points.
'PaperSize' The paper size:
oiw:Paper10x14            equate(0)
oiw:Paper11x17            equate(1)
oiw:PaperA3               equate(6)
oiw:PaperA4               equate(7)
oiw:PaperA4Small          equate(8)
oiw:PaperA5               equate(9)
oiw:PaperB4               equate(10)
oiw:PaperB5               equate(11)
oiw:PaperCSheet           equate(12)
oiw:PaperCustom           equate(41)
oiw:PaperDSheet           equate(13)
oiw:PaperEnvelope10       equate(25)
oiw:PaperEnvelope11       equate(26)
oiw:PaperEnvelope12       equate(27)
oiw:PaperEnvelope14       equate(28)
oiw:PaperEnvelope9        equate(24)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeB4       equate(29)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeB5       equate(30)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeB6       equate(31)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeC3       equate(32)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeC4       equate(33)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeC5       equate(34)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeC6       equate(35)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeC65      equate(36)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeDL       equate(37)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeItaly    equate(38)
oiw:PaperEnvelopeMonarch  equate(39)
oiw:PaperEnvelopePersonal equate(40)
oiw:PaperESheet           equate(14)
oiw:PaperExecutive        equate(5)
oiw:PaperFanfoldLegalGerman equate(15)
oiw:PaperFanfoldStdGerman equate(16)
oiw:PaperFanfoldUS        equate(17)
oiw:PaperFolio            equate(18)
oiw:PaperLedger           equate(19)
oiw:PaperLegal            equate(4)
oiw:PaperLetter           equate(2)
oiw:PaperLetterSmall      equate(3)
oiw:PaperNote             equate(20)
oiw:PaperQuarto           equate(21)
oiw:PaperStatement        equate(22)
oiw:PaperTabloid          equate(23)
'RightMargin' The distance (in points) between the right edge of the page and the right boundary of the body text.
'SectionDirection' The reading order and alignment for the specified sections:
oiw:SectionDirectionLtr   equate(1)
oiw:SectionDirectionRtl   equate(0)
'SectionStart' The type of section break for the specified object.
oiw:SectionContinuous   equate(0)
oiw:SectionEvenPage     equate(3)
oiw:SectionNewColumn    equate(1)
oiw:SectionNewPage      equate(2)
oiw:SectionOddPage      equate(4)
'SuppressEndnotes' If oi:True endnotes are printed at the end of the next section that doesn't suppress endnotes. Must be oi:True or oi:False
'TopMargin' Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the top edge of the page and the top boundary of the body text.
'TwoPagesOnOne' oi:True if Microsoft Word prints the specified document two pages per sheet. Must be oi:True or oi:False
'VerticalAlignment' The vertical alignment of text on each page in a document or section:
oiw:AlignVerticalBottom  equate(3)
oiw:AlignVerticalCenter  equate(1)
oiw:AlignVerticalJustify equate(2)
oiw:AlignVerticalTop     equate(0)

string pValue

The value to set the passed setting to. See the Settings descriptions above for valid values for each setting.



True (1) if successful, or False (0) for failure. The ErrorTrap method will be called with error information in the event of a failure.


Important: For values than can be either True or False, oi:True (-1) or oi:False (0)must be passed.

Word uses Points to specify sizes, and OfficeInside provides methods to convert various units to points (and vice versa). See:

CentimetersToPoints Convert a number from Centimetres to Points
InchesToPoints Converts a number from inches to points
LinesToPoints Returns the height of the passed number of lines in the document in points
MillimetersToPoints Converts from millimetres info points
PicasToPoints Converts from Picas to Points
PixelsToPoints Converts from Pixels to Points
PointsToCentimeters Converts from Points to Centimetres
PointsToInches Converts from Points to Inches
PointsToLines Converts from Points to Lines
PointsToMillimeters Converts from Points to Millimeters
PointsToPicas Converts from Points to Picas
PointsToPixels Converts from Points to Pixels


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Paste ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.Paste()

  • Pastes from the clipboard to the current selection / cursor position within a Word document.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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PicasToPoints ( string pPicas ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.PicasToPoints(8)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.PicasToPoints(8))

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PixelsToPoints ( string pPixels, byte pVertical=false ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.PixelsToPoints(15)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.PixelsToPoints(15))

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PointsToCentimeters ( string pPoints ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.PointsToCentimeters(6)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.PointsToCentimeters(6))

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PointsToInches ( string pPoints ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.PointsToInches(14)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.PointsToInches(14))

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PointsToLines ( string pPoints ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.PointsToLines(8)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.PointsToLines(8))

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PointsToMillimeters ( string pPoints ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.PointsToMillimeters(14)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.PointsToMillimeters(14))

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PointsToPicas ( string pPoints ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.PointsToPicas(12)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.PointsToPicas(12))

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PointsToPixels ( string pPoints, pVertical=false ) ,string
loc:Points = MyWord.PointsToPixels(13)
MyWord.Update(oiw:PageLeftMargin, MyWord.PointsToPixels(13))

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PrintDialog ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.PrintDialog()

  • ( Not yet implemented... )
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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PrintMe     (<string pPages>, byte pRange=oiw:PrintAllDocument, long pCopies=1, byte pPageType=oiw:PrintAllPages, byte pBackground=false, <string pPrinterName>) ,byte,proc

Prints the currently loaded document. This method has been replaced by the PrintOut(), which expands the supported options and is currently in Beta (see below).


  • The pPages parameter holds the page numbers / ranges to be printed.  If you do not pass a value in this parameter, a value of "print everything" is implied, but not passed.  (See "notes" below).  Valid examples for this parameter include:
    • '5, 6, 12'
    • '3, 5, 8-15'
  • The pRange parameter can be one of the following values:
    • oiw:PrintAllDocument (default)
    • oiw:PrintSelection
    • oiw:PrintCurrentPage
    • oiw:PrintFromTo  (not supported, use pPages instead)
    • oiw:PrintRangeOfPages (see notes below)
  • The pCopies parameter is not supported by this method, use PrintOut() instead.
  • The pPageType parameter can be one of the following values:
    • oiw:PrintAllPages  (default)
    • oiw:PrintOddPagesOnly
    • oiw:PrintEvenPagesOnly
  • The pBackground parameter determines whether this method returns before or after the document has actually been sent to the printer.  This is very useful.  Passing this parameter as "true" (1) will make the method return faster (as it does not wait for confirmation that the document has been sent to the printer), but you need to consider the implications of this.  One implication is that calling MyWord.Kill might cause MS Word to show the "Word is currently printing.  Quitting Word will cancel all pending jobs" warning.  Passing this parameter as "false" (0) guarantees that the document has been sent to the printer before the PrintMe method returns, solving the problem (at the cost of a slight delay when you call the method).
  • The pPrinterName parameter can be used to specify a printer other than the default printer, for example:
    MyWord.PrintMe ('1',,,,,'PDF-XChange 3.0')


In order for the pPages parameter to work, pRange needs to be oiw:PrintRangeOfPages.  If you pass a value in pPages, and also pass anything other than oiw:PrintRangeOfPages in pRange, we will simply ignore what you pass in pRange.  We do this so that the following code will work, even though pRange is going to default to oiw:PrintAllDocument, which wouldn't ordinarily work:
MyWord.PrintMe ( '3,4,7-8' )

If you're wanting to print a document to a printer other than the system default printer, the "safest" way to do this seems to be it is done in the "Two Printers" example.  Notes can be found in that example.


TempByte = MyWord.PrintMe ()
MyWord.PrintMe ('2,4,5-8') ! oiw:PrintRangeOfPages implied (see "Notes")
MyWord.PrintMe ('2,4', oiw:PrintRangeOfPages)
MyWord.PrintMe ( ,oiw:PrintCurrentPage)
MyWord.PrintMe ( ,oiw:PrintSelection)
MyWord.PrintMe ( ,,,oiw:PrintOddPagesOnly)
MyWord.PrintMe ( ,,2)
MyWord.PrintMe ('1',,,,,'Lexmark 3200')

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PrintOut (*oiwPrintProperties printSettings, string printerName)

The PrintOut method expand on the simple PrintMe() method and exposes all the properties supports by Word. The oiwPrintProperties group type is provided to allow the setting to be easily set and passed.


*oiwPrintProperties printSettings

A oiwPrintProperties group that contains the settings to be used for printing. See below for a description of the group type and fields. This is a TYPE'd group and can be used to create your own PrintSettings groups as follows:

myPrintSettings   group(oiwPrintProperties)

string printName

The name of the printer to use for printing. See the PrintOut example, which uses the oiUtil class to enumerate all printers on the system.

Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero if the COM interface encountered an error.

Data Types


oiwPrintProperties Type Fields
Name Type Description
background long Set to True to have the code to execute continue while Microsoft Word prints the document.
pAppend long Set to True to append the specified document to the file name specified by the OutputFileName argument. False to overwrite the contents of OutputFileName.
pRange long The page range. Can be any oiw:PrintOutRange constant:
oiw:PrintAllDocument equate(0)
oiw:PrintSelection   equate(1)
oiw:PrintCurrentPage equate(2)
oiw:PrintFromTo      equate(3)
oiw:PrintRangeOfPages equate(4)
outputFileName cstring(256) If PrintToFile is True, this argument specifies the path and file name of the output file.
pFrom long The starting page number when Range is set to oiw:PrintFromTo.
pTo long The ending page number when Range is set to oiw:PrintFromTo.
pItem long The item to be printed. Can be any oiw:PrintOutItem constant:
oiw:PrintDocumentContent equate(0)
oiw:PrintProperties      equate(1)
oiw:PrintMarkup          equate(2)
oiw:PrintComments        equate(2)
oiw:PrintStyles          equate(3)
oiw:PrintAutoTextEntries equate(4)
oiw:PrintKeyAssignments  equate(5)
oiw:PrintEnvelope        equate(6)
oiw:PrintDocumentWithMarkup equate(7)
copies long The number of copies to be printed.
pages cstring(1024) The page numbers and page ranges to be printed, separated by commas. For example, "2, 6-10" prints page 2 and pages 6 through 10.
pageType   The type of pages to be printed. Can be any oiw:PrintOutPages constant:
oiw:PrintAllPages      equate(0)
oiw:PrintOddPagesOnly  equate(1)
oiw:PrintEvenPagesOnly equate(2)
printToFile   True to send printer instructions to a file. Make sure to specify a file name with OutputFileName.
collate   When printing multiple copies of a document, True to print all pages of the document before printing the next copy.
FileName   The path and file name of the document to be printed. If this argument is omitted, Word prints the active document. (not tested)
activePrinterMacGX   Not supported on the Windows platform.
manualDuplexPrint   True to print a two-sided document on a printer without a duplex printing kit. If this argument is True, the PrintBackground and PrintReverse properties are ignored. This argument may not be available to you, depending on the language support that you’ve selected or installed.
printZoomColumn   The number of pages you want Word to fit horizontally on one page. Can be 1, 2, 3, or 4. Use with the PrintZoomRow argument to print multiple pages on a single sheet.
printZoomRow   The number of pages you want Word to fit vertically on one page. Can be 1, 2, or 4. Use with the PrintZoomColumn argument to print multiple pages on a single sheet.
printZoomPaperWidth   The width to which you want Word to scale printed pages, in twips (20 twips = 1 point; 72 points = 1 inch).
printZoomPaperHeight   The height to which you want Word to scale printed pages, in twips (20 twips = 1 point; 72 points = 1 inch).


PrintPreview ( ) ,byte    or    ( byte pOption ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.PrintPreview ()
  ( TempByte will be 1 if on, 0 if not )

MyWord.PrintPreview (1)  ! turn print preview on
MyWord.PrintPreview (0)  ! turn print preview off
MyWord.PrintPreview (2)  ! toggle print preview

TempByte = MyWord.PrintPreview (1) ! turn print preview on
! TempByte will return 1 if passed, 0 if an error occurred

  • Print Previews the current document, or establishes whether the current document is being previewed.

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Protect  (long protectionType, string pPassword), long

Enables document protection. This limits what changes may be made to the document unless document protection is turned off. If a password is specified then that password must be used to turn document protection off. Once you enabled document protection the same limits that apply to the end user also apply to other methods called. For example if you enabled document protection and set the document to Read Only, you will not be able to modify the document by calling any of the oiWord methods until oiWord.Unprotect is called to remove the protection.


long protectionType: Type of protection to enabled. Can be one of the following values:

  • oiw:AllowOnlyComments - Only comments can be added or edited
  • oiw:AllowOnlyFormFields - Only form fields may be have their values edited.
  • oiw:AllowOnlyReading - Document is read only, no changes may be made
  • oiw:AllowOnlyRevisions - Only revisions may be made
  • oiw:NoProtection - No protection (the same as calling Unprotect()).

string pPassword: The password used to protect the document. This password will be needed to remove the protection. A blank string may be specified, which means that the protection can be removed without setting any password.

Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.


MyWord1.Protect(oiw:AllowOnlyComments, 'capesoft')
MyWord1.Protect(oiw:AllowOnlyFormFields, '
MyWord1.Protect(oiw:AllowOnlyReading, '
MyWord1.Protect(oiw:AllowOnlyRevisions, '

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Redo ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.Redo()

  • Opposite to the "Undo" method.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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ReplaceText (string pFindText, string pReplaceText, byte pReplaceAll=false), byte, proc

Search and replace method, locates a string in the document and replaces it with the specified string. This method searches the currently loaded document for the text you pass as the pFindText parameter, and then replaces that text with the text which you pass as the pReplaceText parameter. The pReplaceAll parameter determines whether the first instance the word / text is replace, or whether all instances are replaced.

Important: Word limits the size of the strings being replaced and the replacement text to 256 characters. There are two ways of replacing strings larger than 256 characters:

  1. If your replacement string contains more than 256 characters use the FindText method to find the string and the call the InsertText method to replace it with your own string. You can to replace all instances by looping and calling FindText and replacing each instance until the FindText method it fails (returns zero), indicating that the string no longer exists in the document.

  2. Simply put your LargeString on the clipboard and call the ReplaceText method with the pRelaceText set to '^c':
      MyWord.ReplaceText('LookFor', '^c', True)

    The 2-character string '^c' will be interpreted by Word as the Paste command. This also has the advantage of supporting inserting RTF formatting text into Word (the Paste command is the only way to insert RTF formatting text directly into a Word document)

Note: Replacement text inherits the formatting of the text it replaces in the document. For example, if you replace the string "abc" with "xyz," occurrences of "abc" with bold formatting are replaced with the string "xyz" with bold formatting.  This also applies to case, in that if you replace "acb" with "xyz" you will get "xyz", but if you replace "ABC" with "xyz" you will in fact get "XYZ".  This is actually pretty useful once you understand how it works, in that you can lay out the same search string in a document, multiple times, and each string can have its own formatting (case, bold, underlined etc) which is preserved when you replace.


string pFindText: The text to find in the document. This will be replace by the pReplaceText string if it is found.

string pReplaceText: The text to replace the pFindText string with

byte pReplaceAll: An optional parameter specifying that all instances of the pFindText string in the document should be replaced by the pReplaceTextString. The default is false (only replace the first occurrence). Setting this to true (1) will replace all occurrences.


Return Values

Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced (Note: A return value of true does not indicate that any text was actually replaced. In other words, if the text you are searching for is not found, the method can still return true).


MyWord1.ReplaceText('Cape', 'Soft')       ! replace "Cape" with "Soft"
Cape', 'Soft', true) ! replace all occurrences
MyWord1.ReplaceText(searchString, replaceString)
! pass variables that contain the strings


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RestoreSnapShotOfWindowPos ( ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.RestoreSnapShotOfWindowPos ()
  • This method is used in conjunction with the TakeSnapShotOfWindowPos method, and is used to restore the window size and state of an Office application once your app has finished using it.  The templates will generate code immediately before the Kill method call to call this method, so if you're using the templates you do not need to worry about this method as it will be called automatically.

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Save ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.Save()

  • Saves the current document, must have already been saved using the SaveAs method, or the document will not have a valid file name to "save to".
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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SaveAs ( <string pFileName>, long pFileFormat=oiw:SaveFormatDocumentDefault, <string pOpenPassword>, <string pEditPassword> ) ,byte,proc

Saves the current document.  If the FileName parameter is passed as an empty string (''), or is omitted, then a normal Save will be done. The pFileFormat parameter can be one of the values (equates) listed below.


  1.  As a result of changes to the behaviour of Word 2007, using oiw:FormatDocument as the pFileFormat now implies the old DOC format. This changes the behaviour of existing code, and as a result if you specify the incorrect file extension (.docx), you may be left with a document that does not open in Word. The default value for the pFormat parameter has been changed to oiw:SaveFormatDocumentDefault. Because oiw:FormatDocumentDefault doesn't exist in older version of Word, OfficeInside will automatically detect the version of Word being used, and use the correct document format for that version (oiw:FormatDocument for Word 2003 and earlier and oiw:FormatDocumentDefault for Word 2007 and later).
  2. We recommend not specifying a file extension, unless you are certain of the format that the document will be in. Word will automatically append the correct file extension. The GetFileName() method can be called once the file is saved to get the resultant file name. Alternatively before calling SaveAs() the GetOfficeVersion() method can be called to get the version of Office, and the file format and extension then chosen appropriately.
  3. The old equates, such as oiw:SaveFormat_EncodedText should be considered deprecated.




The name and path of the file to open. If no path is specified, then OfficeInside will prefix the file name with the current application path.


Word 2007 and later changes the meaning of a number of equates. In these cases the new version of the equate is show in bold below and highlighted

oiw:FormatDocument              equate(0) !   Microsoft Office Word format.
oiw:FormatDocument97            equate(0) !   Microsoft Word 97 document format.
oiw:FormatTemplate              equate(1) !   Word template format.
oiw:FormatTemplate97            equate(1) !   Word 97 template format.
oiw:FormatText                  equate(2) !   Microsoft Windows text format.
oiw:FormatTextLineBreaks        equate(3) !   Windows text format with line breaks preserved.
oiw:FormatDOSText               equate(4) !   Microsoft DOS text format.
oiw:FormatDOSTextLineBreaks     equate(5) !   Microsoft DOS text with line breaks preserved.
oiw:FormatRTF                   equate(6) !   Rich text format (RTF).
oiw:FormatEncodedText           equate(7) !   Encoded text format.
oiw:FormatUnicodeText           equate(7) !   Unicode text format.
oiw:FormatHTML                  equate(8) !   Standard HTML format.
oiw:FormatWebArchive            equate(9) !   Web archive format.

Available in Word 2007 and later

oiw:FormatFilteredHTML          equate(10) !  Filtered HTML format.
oiw:FormatXML                   equate(11) !  Extensible Markup Language (XML) format.
oiw:FormatDocumentDefault       equate(16) !  Default document(.docx for Word 2007 and up)
oiw:FormatPDF                   equate(17) !  PDF format.
oiw:FormatXMLDocument           equate(12) !  XML document format.
oiw:FormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled equate(13) !  XML document format with macros enabled.
oiw:FormatXMLTemplate           equate(14) !  XML template format.
oiw:FormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled equate(15) !  XML template format with macros enabled.
oiw:FormatXPS                   equate(18) ! XPS format.


Optional parameter that specifies a password to be used to protect the document. If this is passed, then the document will required this password in order to be opened. Can be used in conjunction with the pEditPassword parameter.


Optional parameter that specifies a password that allows the document to be edited. If this is specified then the document can still be opened without the password, however changes cannot be saved to the same document (SaveAs can still be used to save to the a new document, but the original file is treated as Read-Only). Can be used in conjunction with the pOpenPassword parameter.


Return Value

Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced, and false (0) if an error occurs. In the event of an error occuring the ErrorTrap() method is called with additional information.


1. Use the default format, add default extension automatically In the current app path.

if WordDoc.SaveAs('mydocument') 
    savedFileName = WordDoc.GetFileName() 
! Get the saved file name (with the extension)
! Error - save failed


2. Get the version of Office installed, and pick a file name and  extension based on the version. Functionally identical to the approach in example 1.

officeVersion = WordDoc.GetOfficeVersion()
if officeVersion < 12  ! Office 2003 or earlier
    WordDoc.SaveAs('Document.doc', oiw:FormatDocument)
    WordDoc.SaveAs('Document.docx', oiw:FormatDocumentDefault)


2. Identical to calling Save(). Prompts the user for a file name if the file has not been saved already.

if not WordDoc.SaveAs()
Message('Saving the document failed')


3. Save with a password required to open the file

WordDoc.SaveAs(LongPath() & '\PasswordedDoc', oiw:FormatDocumentDefault, 'openpassword')

4. Save with a password required to open the file, and a password to edit the document

WordDoc.SaveAs(LongPath() & '\PasswordedDoc', oiw:FormatDocumentDefault, 'openpassword', 'editpassword')

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RefreshScreen ()

Redraws the screen. This method is useful when screen updating (redrawing) has been turned off using the SetScreenUpdating() method. Turn screen updating off can provide a small performance improvement for batch inserts etc. It is only recommended in cases where the user does not have to see or interact with the document. The same method can be used with the oiExcel object to slightly improve performance. For Excel, a large performance increase can be achieved when doing bulk updates by using the SetCalculations method.

Note: There have been some reports of this causing problems with documents that the user opens while this setting is enabled. Considering how small the performance benefit of this option is we suggest using it with caution and ensuring that RefreshScreen() is called periodically and that screen updating is re-enabled once your are done.



Return Value

Returns 1 if the function succeeds, and zero for failure. If the function fails the ErrorTrap() method is called with information relating to the error.


! Turn off screen updating
! Write the required data to the document here...

! Manually update the screen

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SetBackground ( long pColor=0, <string pFileName> ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.SetBackground ( ) ! no fill
MyWord.SetBackground (color:yellow) ! fill color
MyWord.SetBackground ( , 'c:\images\logo.jpg') ! fill image
  • Sets the background for the currently loaded document
  • You cannot pass both a color and a filename, you must only pass one or the other (as in the code examples above)
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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SetFontColor ( long FontColor ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.SetFontColor (COLOR:Green)
TempByte = MyWord.SetFontColor (COLOR:Green)
  • Sets the color for the currently selected text.
  • Standard Clarion color equates can be used, as shown above.

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SetFontName ( string FontName ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.SetFontName ('Arial')
TempByte = MyWord.SetFontName ('Arial')

  • Sets the font name (font).

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SetFontSize ( long FontSize ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.SetFontSize(18)

  • Sets the current font size.

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SetPageView ( byte pPageView ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.SetPageView (oiw:NormalView)
TempByte = MyWord.SetPageView (
  • Sets the view for the current page, to one of the following:
    • oiw:NormalView
    • oiw:OutlineView
    • oiw:PrintView
    • oiw:PrintPreview
    • oiw:MasterView
    • oiw:WebView
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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SetParagraphFormatting ( long pOption, string pValue, <string pValue2> ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.SetParagraphFormatting (oiw:SpacingBefore, 30)
MyWord.SetParagraphFormatting (oiw:LeftIndentation, MyWord1.CentimetersToPoints(2))
MyWord.SetParagraphFormatting (oiw:LineSpacing, oiw:LineSpaceSingle)
MyWord.SetParagraphFormatting (oiw:LineSpacing, oiw:LineSpaceExactly, 18)

  • Sets the formatting for the currently selected paragraph.
  • The pOption parameter can be one of the following equates:
    • oiw:LeftIndentation
    • oiw:RightIndentation
    • oiw:SpacingBefore
    • oiw:SpacingAfter
    • oiw:LineSpacing
  • If you pass oiw:LineSpacing for the pOption parameter, then the pValue parameter must be one of the following equates:
    • oiw:LineSpaceSingle
    • oiw:LineSpace1pt5
    • oiw:LineSpaceDouble
    • oiw:LineSpaceAtLeast
    • oiw:LineSpaceExactly
    • oiw:LineSpaceMultiple
    • If you pass oiw:LineSpaceExactly for the pValue parameter, you must specify the value you want to set the line spacing to using the pValue2 parameter, as in the example code above.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • See also AlignCenter, AlignJustify, AlignLeft, AlignRight

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SetScreenUpdating (long updateScreen)

This method allows screen updating (redrawing) to be turned off and on. Turn screen udpdating off can provide a small performance improvement for batch inserts etc. It is only recommended in cases where the user does not have to see or interact with the document. The same method can be used with the oiExcel object to slightly improve performance. For Excel, a large performance increase can be achieved when doing bulk updates by using the SetCalculations method.


long updateScreen: Set this to 1(true) to turn screen updating on, and to zero (false) to turn screen updating off.

Return Value

Returns 1 if the function succeeds, and zero for failure. If the function fails the ErrorTrap() method is called with information relating to the error.


! Write the required data to the document here...

! Turn screen updating back on

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SetSelection ( long pSelectionStart=0, long pSelectionEnd=0 ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.SetSelection () ! select everything
MyWord.SetSelection (10, 30) ! select from pos 10 to pos 30
  • If no parameters are passed (i.e. pSelectionStart and pSelectionEnd are passed as 0), the entire document is selected (equivalent to Ctrl-A).
  • If you do pass values is the parameters, the text from character position pSelectionStart, to pSelectionEnd is selected.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.


SetSelection     ( long pTableNumber=1, long pColumnNumber, long pRowNumber ) ,byte,proc

MyWord.SetSelection (1, 3, 4)  ! select cell C4 in table 1
MyWord.SetSelection (1, 0, 0)  ! select table 1

  • Selects the contents of a cell within a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the pTableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • If you pass 0 (zero) in both the pColumnNumber and the pRowNumber parameters, then the entire table (not all the cells, but the table itself) identified by pTableNumber is selected.  This can be used to copy an entire table for instance..
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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ShowMessage ( string _pText, string _pCaption, string _pIcon, long _pID )

There are times when it is helpful if Office Inside displays a message, such as if an Office Application cannot be loaded or a document which you try to open does not actually exist, or so on.  Because we know how frustrating it can be to have 3rdParty tools displaying messages in your applications Office Inside has this method, called ShowMessage. The way it works is as follows:  If Office Inside needs to show a message we call this method, rather than calling the Clarion Message() or Stop() function directly.  Inside this method (in our DLL) we call the Clarion Message function.
The reason we do this is to give you a way to control which messages are shown, and how they are shown. If you embed code into the ShowMessage method, before the parent call, then every time Office Inside wants to show a message it will first run your code, then call the message, giving you a chance to "tweak" this, as illustrated below:

MyWord1.ShowMessage PROCEDURE (string _pText, string _pCaption, string _pIcon, long _pID)

    case _pID
of oiw:Msg_Error_StartingWord
      ! no custom code
of oiw:Msg_Confirm_SpellCheckComplete
      message ('
Well done! No spelling mistakes.')
of oiw:Msg_Error_SpellCheckFailed

    PARENT.ShowMessage(_pText, _pCaption, _pIcon, _pID) 


Every time Office Inside wants to show a message it will call this method, setting _pID to one of the equates listed here.  In the code above my "custom" code (shown in red) tweaks which messages I actually allow Office Inside, and which I don't.  If the message was to warn that MS Word could not be started (_pID = oiw:Msg_Error_StartingWord), then I do nothing, so Office Inside will show it's message as per default.  If the message is to tell the user that the Spell Check is now complete and there were no problems, I've changed the default behavior by showing my own message here, then returning before the parent call so that Office Inside's message does not also show.  If the message was to warn that an error occurred during the Spell Check, I have decided that the user should not see that message and simply return before the parent call, so no message will be shown whatsoever.  If you are happy to let Office Inside show any messages (we are obviously careful about what messages we show) then there is no need to put any code into this embed point yourself.  To change the icon shown in the Office Inside messages use the oi_ChangeDefaultShowMessageIcon funciton.

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ShowToolbar ( long pToolbar ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.ShowToolbar (oiw:ToolbarStandard)
TempByte = MyWord.ShowToolbar (oiw:ToolbarStandard)
  • Sets a MS Word toolbar to be visible.  For a list of valid equates which can be used, click here.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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SetPrinter(string printerName)

Sets the printer for the current Word document. Also turns off the display of print dialogs by calling the SetAlerts method automatically. This functionality is provide by the PrintOut method, so it not typically called directly.


string printerName

The name of the printer. See the PrintOut example application for an example of listing the installed printers.

Return Values

Returns true for success and false for failure.



See Also


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SetAlerts(long alertLevel)

Sets the alert level (whether Word displays dialogues). Called automatically when PrintOut is used to allow automation of printing.


string alertLevel

Can be one of the following levels: oiw:AlertsNone(0), oiw:AlertsMessageBox(-2),  or oiw:AlertsAll(-1).

Return Values

Returns true for success and false for failure.



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ScreenRefresh ()

Refreshes the screen when screen updating has been turned off using the SetScreenUpdating method. Turning off screen updating when the window is hidden or when doing bulk inserts can improve performance by a small amount. Not that you need to call SetScreenUpdating to turn updating back on before calling ScreenRefresh() to refresh the display.



Return Values




See Also


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SpellCheckString (*string checkText, long silent=1, long htmlText=0), long, proc

Note that the template provides spell checking, and these methods are the underlying code that is used. If you use the provided spell checking templates you do not need to implemented these methods yourself.

Spell checks the passed string (checkText) and allows the user to correct the spelling, while providing suggestions (much like Word, Outlook Express etc. would).

Office Inside provides a Utility Template to add a Spell Checking window to your application. This procedure (oiShowSpellingSuggestions) provides a user interface for spell checking. For each word that may be misspelled this procedure calls the SpellWord procedure, which is generated into the procedure that you have added spell checking to. You should call your oiShowSpellingSuggestions from the SpellWord procedure (copy the bold line below to before the parent call):

oiWord.SpellWord Procedure (string pWord, *oiwWordsQ WordsQ, *long pCommand)

    return(oiShowSpellingSuggestions(pWord, WordsQ, pCommand))    ! Copy this line

If you are using the Spell Checking template this can be done automatically by the template.


*string checkText: The string to spell check. There should be sufficient room in this string for any corrections (the corrected text may be longer than the passed text).

long silent: Determines if the procedure displays a "Spell Checking Done" message box when spell checking of the string is complete. The default value is 1, which would not display a message, set this to zero in order to display the message.

long htmlText: Indicates that the passed text comes from HTML and may contain HTML escape codes (such as &nbsp;) and URL encoded characters (such as %A1). You cannot pass HTML to this method, you should pass HTML to the SpellCheckHTML method, this setting is only for specific characters that occur in HTML. The default value is zero. This setting would not typically be used unless you are replacing the SpellCheckHtml method with a version of your own and are passing the text portions of the HTML, excluding any tags etc., to this method.

Return Value

The function returns 1 for success or zero if an error occurred.


case Choice(?SheetMailEdit)
of 1 orof 2              ! Spell Check HTML
! HtmlEditor is a FileExplorer HTML editor control
if Len(HtmlEditor.html2Source) > Len(htmlSource)
        htmlSource = HtmlEditor.html2Source[1 :
        htmlSource = HtmlEditor.html2Source
Html2Source', Clip(htmlSource))
of 3                     ! Spell Check Text

See Also

SpellWord, SpellCheckString

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SpellCheckHtml (*string checkHtml, long silent=1)

Note that the template provides spell checking, and these methods are the underlying code that is used. If you use the provided spell checking templates you do not need to implemented these methods yourself.

Spell checks the passed string (checkHtml) and allows the user to correct the spelling, while providing suggestions (much like Word, Outlook Express etc. would). This function is identical to the SpellCheckString, except that it handles HTML content in the string. HTML tags, JavaScript, HTML escape codes and URL encoded characters are all ignored. This method provides spell checking support for File Explorer.

Office Inside provides a Utility Template to add a Spell Checking window to your application. This procedure (oiShowSpellingSuggestions) provides a user interface for spell checking. For each word that may be misspelled this procedure calls the SpellWord procedure, which is generated into the procedure that you have added spell checking to. You should call your oiShowSpellingSuggestions from the SpellWord procedure (copy the bold line below to before the parent call):

oiWord.SpellWord PROCEDURE (string pWord, *oiwWordsQ WordsQ, *long pCommand)
    return(oiShowSpellingSuggestions(pWord, WordsQ, pCommand))   ! Copy this line

If you are using the Spell Checking template this can be done automatically by the template.


*string checkHtml: The string to spell check. There should be sufficient room in this string for any corrections (the corrected text may be longer than the passed text). This string contains the contents of an HTML file. For checking text rather than HTML call the SpellCheckString method.

long silent: Determines if the procedure displays a "Spell Checking Done" message box when spell checking of the string is complete. The default value is 1, which would not display a message, set this to zero in order to display the message.


Return Value

The function returns 1 for success or zero if an error occurred.


case Choice(?SheetMailEdit)
of 1 orof 2                ! Spell Check HTML
! HtmlEditor is a FileExplorer HTML editor control
if Len(HtmlEditor.html2Source) > Len(htmlSource)
       htmlSource = HtmlEditor.html2Source[1 :
htmlSource = HtmlEditor.html2Source
of 3                       ! Spell Check Text

See Also

SpellWord, SpellCheckHtml


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SpellWord (string pWord, *oiwWordsQ WordsQ, *long pCommand)

This virtual method is called for each word that may be incorrect when CheckSpelling is called. This method provides a place for embed code to be added to display a spell checking user interface.

If you are using the Spell Checking template this can be done automatically by the template.

oiWord.SpellWord PROCEDURE (string pWord, *oiwWordsQ WordsQ, *long pCommand)
    return(oiShowSpellingSuggestions(pWord, WordsQ, pCommand))   ! This is your procedure call

We recommend using the oiShowSpellingSuggests method that the templates provide and modifying it according to your specific needs.


*string pWord: The word being spell checking that may be incorerct

oiwWordsQ WordsQ: A list of spelling suggests that Word has made to replace the current word


Return Value

The action that is to be performed, which can be one of the following values:

oiw:Replace (0)
oiw:Ignore (1)
oiw:AddToDictionary (2)
oiw:ReplaceAll (3)
oiw:IgnoreAll (4)


oiWord.SpellWord PROCEDURE (string pWord, *oiwWordsQ WordsQ, *long pCommand)
    return(oiShowSpellingSuggestions(pWord, WordsQ, pCommand))   ! This is your procedure call

See Also

SpellCheckString, SpellCheckHtml


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TableAutoFormat (long tableNumber, long tableStyle), long

Formats the specified table using one of the styles provided by Word. These styles apply formatting to both the table and table contents. When new columns and rows are added the automatic formatting may not be applied to them, in which case the TableUpdateAutoFormatting method may be called to apply the same formatting to any new rows and columns.


long tableNumber: The number of the table to format. Word numbers the first table in the document as 1, and each successive table increments that table number. Note that the tables are numbered in the order that they occur in, not in the order that they were added to the table, so if you have two tables and insert a new one between them the last table is numbered 3, rather than 2.

long tableStyle: An equate that specifies one of the build-in styles provided by Word. May be one of the following values:

  • oiw:TableFormatNone
  • oiw:TableFormatSimple1
  • oiw:TableFormatSimple2
  • oiw:TableFormatSimple3
  • oiw:TableFormatClassic1
  • oiw:TableFormatClassic2
  • oiw:TableFormatClassic3
  • oiw:TableFormatClassic4
  • oiw:TableFormatColorful1
  • oiw:TableFormatColorful2
  • oiw:TableFormatColorful3
  • oiw:TableFormatColumns1
  • oiw:TableFormatColumns2
  • oiw:TableFormatColumns3
  • oiw:TableFormatColumns4
  • oiw:TableFormatColumns5
  • oiw:TableFormatContemporary
  • oiw:TableFormatElegant
  • oiw:TableFormatGrid1
  • oiw:TableFormatGrid2
  • oiw:TableFormatGrid3
  • oiw:TableFormatGrid4
  • oiw:TableFormatGrid5
  • oiw:TableFormatGrid6
  • oiw:TableFormatGrid7
  • oiw:TableFormatGrid8
  • oiw:TableFormatList1
  • oiw:TableFormatList2
  • oiw:TableFormatList3
  • oiw:TableFormatList4
  • oiw:TableFormatList5
  • oiw:TableFormatList6
  • oiw:TableFormatList7
  • oiw:TableFormatList8
  • oiw:TableFormat3DEffects1
  • oiw:TableFormat3DEffects2
  • oiw:TableFormat3DEffects3
  • oiw:TableFormatProfessional
  • oiw:TableFormatSubtle1
  • oiw:TableFormatSubtle2
  • oiw:TableFormatWeb1
  • oiw:TableFormatWeb2
  • oiw:TableFormatWeb3

Return Values

Returns 1 if successful and zero if it fails. In case of an error the ErrorTrap method will be called with the error description.


oiWord.TableAutoFormat(1, oiw:TableFormatProfessional)

See Also


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ShowToolbar ( long pToolbar ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.ShowToolbar (oiw:ToolbarStandard)
TempByte = MyWord.ShowToolbar (oiw:ToolbarStandard)
  • Sets a MS Word toolbar to be visible.  For a list of valid equates which can be used, click here.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableCountColumns ( long TableNumber=1 ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.TableCountColumns ()   ! Table 1
TempLong = MyWord.TableCountColumns (3)  ! Table 3

  • Returns (long) the number of Columns in a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns the number of columns, or a negative value if an error occurred.

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TableCountRows ( long TableNumber=1 ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.TableCountRows ()   ! Table 1
TempLong = MyWord.TableCountRows (3)  ! Table 3

  • Returns (long) the number of Rows in a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns the number of rows, or a negative value if an error occurred.

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TableGetCellBackgroundColor ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.TableGetCellBackgroundColor (1, 3, 4)  ! table 1, cell C4
  • Returns the background color of a cell within a table.
  • If the color value (long) matches any of the standard Clarion color equates, the method will return that equate (e.g. COLOR:Green), or it will simply return a long (color).

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TableGetCellForegroundColor ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.TableGetCellForegroundColor (1, 3, 4)  ! table 1, cell C4
  • Returns the foreground color of a cell within a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • If the color value (long) matches any of the standard Clarion color equates, the method will return that equate (e.g. COLOR:Green), or it will simply return a long (color).

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TableGetCellTexture ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.TableGetCellTexture (1, 3, 4)  ! table 1, cell C4
  • Returns the texture of a cell within a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • The texture that is returned is a long, which can be one of the "Texture" equates.

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TableGetColumnWidth ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber ) ,long
TempLong = MyWord.TableGetColumnWidth (1, 3)  ! table1, column3
  • Gets the current width for a table column.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns the column width (long), or a negative value if an error occurred.

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TableGetInsideBordersLineStyle ( long TableNumber=1 ) ,byte
TempByte = MyWord.TableGetInsideBordersLineStyle (3) ! table 3
  • Returns the style of the lines which make up the inside borders of a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • See the "LineStyle" Equates for a list of possible line styles.

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TableGetOutsideBordersLineStyle ( long TableNumber=1 ) ,byte
TempByte = MyWord.TableGetOutsideBordersLineStyle (3) ! table 3
  • Returns the style of the lines which make up the outside borders of a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • See the "LineStyle" Equates for a list of possible line styles.

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TableInsertRowAtEnd ( long TableNumber=1 ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableInsertRowAtEnd ()  ! table 1
TempByte = MyWord.TableInsertRowAtEnd (3)  ! table 3

  • Inserts a new row after the last current row in a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableMergeSelectedCells ( ) ,byte,proc
! Merge cells B2 and C2
if MyWord.SetSelection (1, 2, 2) ! select cell B2 in table 1
  MyWord.MoveRight (oiw:UnitCharacter, 1, oiw:Extend) ! select the cell to the right also (C2)
  MyWord.TableMergeSelectedCells() ! merge the two cells
  MyWord.SetSelection (1, 1, 1) ! deselect (select A1)

  • Merges the currently selected cells in a table (see code example above)
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableSetCellAlignCenter ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellAlignCenter (1, 3, 4)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellAlignCenter (1, 3, 4)

  • Sets the alignment within a table's cell to "Centered".  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • TIP - After you call this method the cell which you set will become active, i.e. that's where your cursor will be.

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TableSetCellAlignJustify ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellAlignJustify (1, 3, 4)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellAlignJustift (1, 3, 4)

  • Sets the alignment within a table's cell to "Justified".  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • TIP - After you call this method the cell which you set will become active, i.e. that's where your cursor will be.

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TableSetCellAlignLeft ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellAlignLeft (1, 3, 4)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellAlignLeft (1, 3, 4)

  • Sets the alignment within a table's cell to "Left Aligned".  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • TIP - After you call this method the cell which you set will become active, i.e. that's where your cursor will be.

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TableSetCellAlignRight ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellAlignRight (1, 3, 4)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellAlignRight (1, 3, 4)
  • Sets the alignment within a table's cell to "Right Aligned".  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • TIP - After you call this method the cell which you set will become active, i.e. that's where your cursor will be.

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TableSetCellBackgroundColor ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, long pColor ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellBackgroundColor (1, 3, 4, color:red)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellBackgroundColor (1, 3, 4, color:red)

  • Sets the background color for a cell within a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • The pColor parameter can be a standard Clarion color equate (e.g. color:red), or a long as returned by one of the oiWord methods, such as TableGetCellBackgroundColor.
  • TIP - The difference between this method and the TableSetCellForegroundColor method, is as follows:  If you use the TableSetCellTexture method to set a "pattern" / "texture" for a cell, then the background color is the color in the cell "behind" the pattern, whereas the foreground color is the color of the pattern.

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TableSetCellBold ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, byte pBold=255 ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellBold (1, 3, 4, oiw:BoldOn)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellBold (1, 3, 4, oiw:BoldOn)

  • Sets the bold formatting within a table's cell.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • The pBold parameter can be one of the following equates:
    • oiw:BoldOn
    • oiw:BoldOff
    • oiw:BoldToggle
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableSetCellFontColor ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, long FontColor ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellFontColor (1, 3, 4, color:Green)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellFontColor (1, 3, 4, color:Green)

  • Sets the font color within a table cell.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableSetCellFontName ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, string FontName ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellFontName (1, 3, 4, 'Arial')
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellFontName (1, 3, 4, 'Arial')
  • Sets the font (name) within a table cell.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableSetCellFontSize ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, long FontSize ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellFontSize (1, 3, 4, 12)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellFontSize (1, 3, 4, 12)

  • Sets the font size within a table cell.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableSetCellForegroundColor ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, long pColor ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellForegroundColor (1, 3, 4, color:red)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellForegroundColor (1, 3, 4, color:red)

  • Sets the foreground color for a cell within a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • The pColor parameter can be a standard Clarion color equate (e.g. color:red), or a long as returned by one of the oiWord methods, such as TableGetCellForegroundColor.
  • TIP - The difference between this method and the TableSetCellBackgroundColor method, is as follows:  If you use the TableSetCellTexture method to set a "pattern" / "texture" for a cell, then the background color is the color in the cell "behind" the pattern, whereas the foreground color is the color of the pattern.

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TableSetCellItalic ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, byte pItalic=255 ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellItalic (1, 3, 4, oiw:ItalicOn)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellItalic (1, 3, 4, oiw:ItalicOn)

  • Sets the italic formatting within a table's cell.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • The pItalic parameter can be one of the following equates:
    • oiw:ItalicOn
    • oiw:ItalicOff
    • oiw:BoldItalic
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableSetCellTexture ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, long pTexture ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellTexture (1, 3, 4, oiw:TextureCross)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellTexture (1, 3, 4, oiw:TextureCross)

  • Sets the texture / pattern within a table's cell.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • See the "Texture" Equates for a list of valid textures (used in the pTexture parameter).
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.
  • TIP - Use the TableSetCellBackgroundColor method to change the color "behind" the pattern, and the TableSetCellForegroundColor method to change the color of the pattern itself.
  • See the reference section titled MS Word Textures for graphical examples of the available textures.

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TableSetCellUnderline ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, byte LineStyle=255 ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetCellUnderline (1, 3, 4, oiw:UnderlineSingle)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetCellUnderline (1, 3, 4, oiw:UnderlineSingle)
  • Sets the underline style / formatting within a table's cell.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • See the "Underline" Equates for a list of valid line styles (used in the LineStyle parameter).
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableSetColumnWidth ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long ColumnWidth ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetColumnWidth (1, 3, 40)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetColumnWidth (1, 3, 40)

  • Sets the width for a table column.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableSetInsideBordersLineStyle ( long TableNumber=1, byte LineStyle ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetInsideBordersLineStyle (1, oiw:LineStyleDouble)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetInsideBordersLineStyle (1, oiw:LineStyleDouble)

  • Changes the style of the lines which make up the inside borders of a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • See the "LineStyle" Equates for a list of possible line styles.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableUpdateAutoFormat (long tableNumber), long

The TableAutoFormat method formats the specified table using one of the styles provided by Word. These styles apply formatting to both the table and table contents. When new columns and rows are added the automatic formatting may not be applied to them, in which case the TableUpdateAutoFormatting method may be called to apply the same formatting to any new rows and columns.


long tableNumber: The number of the table to format. Word numbers the first table in the document as 1, and each successive table increments that table number. Note that the tables are numbered in the order that they occur in, not in the order that they were added to the table, so if you have two tables and insert a new one between them the last table is numbered 3, rather than 2.

Return Values

Returns 1 if successful and zero if it fails. In case of an error the ErrorTrap method will be called with the error description.



See Also


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TableSetOutsideBordersLineStyle ( long TableNumber=1, byte LineStyle ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableSetOutsideBordersLineStyle (1, oiw:LineStyleDouble)
TempByte = MyWord.TableSetOutsideBordersLineStyle (1, oiw:LineStyleDouble)

  • Changes the style of the lines which make up the outside borders of a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • See the "LineStyle" Equates for a list of possible line styles.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TableWriteToCell ( long TableNumber=1, long ColumnNumber, long RowNumber, string pText ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TableWriteToCell (1, 3, 4, "Cell C4")  ! table 1
TempByte = MyWord.TableWriteToCell (3, 3, 4, "Cell C4") ! table 3

  • Writes text (string) to a cell within a table.  If you have more than one table in a document, you can specify which table with the TableNumber parameter, which defaults to 1.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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TakeEvent ( string pEventString1, string pEventString2, long pEventNumber=0, byte pEventType=0, byte pEventStatus=0 )
  • Office Inside acts as a bridge between your application and COM objects.  These COM objects communicate with the Office Inside library, which in turn communicates to COM objects, and to your application.  The library is also constantly communicating with itself..  Hmm.. Sort of..  Most of this "background" communication is of little importance to you the developer, as the Office Inside library will provide you with any useful information or functionality, through its methods and properties.  Occasionally you may want to "listen" to this communication "directly", which is what the TakeEvent method was designed for.
  • The TakeEvent method is not a method which you will call yourselves, but is rather a method that the OI library calls from several other methods.  The only reason this method exists is to provide a central place where all communication activity is "reported".  This is useful to log the library activity (as in the Automation examples), or to listen for certain activity and then deal with it accordingly from your own code.
  • The pEventNumber parameter will be one of the values listed under the Callback Event Equates (only if pEventType is oi:EventType_Callback).
  • The pEventString1 property will contain a string description of whatever event / method / "thing" triggered the TakeEvent method.
  • The pEventType property is a byte, which will be one of the following values:
    • oi:EventType_Callback  (indicates the COM object sent a message to the OI library)
    • oi:EventType_MethodCall  (indicates a method in the library has been called)
    • oi:EventType_InternalMethodCall  (indicates a method is being called by another method)
  • The pEventStatus property only applies if the pEventType is oiw:EventType_MethodCall, and can be one of the following values:
    • oi:EventStatus_Beginning  (method has just been called, and is about to run)
    • oi:EventStatus_Complete  (method has completed, and is about to return)
  • NOTE: The parameters for this method are "filled in" by the library for you, and should not be written to / passed back by you (although if you do change these properties values the library will just ignore those changes).

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TakeSnapShotOfWindowPos ( ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.TakeSnapShotOfWindowPos ()
  • This method updates several internal properties with information about the current position and state (e.g. maximized) of the MS Word application window.  The templates call this method immediately after the Init method.  It is used in conjunction with the RestoreSnapShotOfWindowPos method.

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Underline ( byte LineStyle ) ,byte,proc
MyWord.Underline (oiw:UnderlineDouble)
TempByte = MyWord.Underline (oiw:UnderlineNone)

  • Make the selected text underlined / not underlined.
  • See the "Underline" Equates for a list of valid line styles (used in the LineStyle parameter).
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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Undo ( ) ,byte,proc
TempByte = MyWord.Undo()

  • Undoes the last thing you did.
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.

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Unprotect  (string pPassword), long

Removes document protection. Protection limits what changes may be made to the document unless document protection is turned off. If a password is specified then that password must be used to turn document protection off. Once you enabled document protection the same limits that apply to the end user also apply to other methods called. For example if you enabled document protection (by calling oiWord.Protect()) and set the document to Read Only, you will not be able to modify the document by calling any of the oiWord methods until oiWord.Unprotect() is called to remove the protection.


string pPassword: The password that was used to protect the document. This password will be needed to remove the protection. A blank string may be specified, if the protection was added with a blank password.

Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure.


MyWord1.Unprotect('capesoft')   ! Unprotect a password protected document
! Unprotect where a blank password was used


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Update (byte pOption, string pValue), long, proc

This is a wrapper method which can update one of several "properties" or "settings", depending on the parameters which you pass.

  • See the GetInfo/Update Equates for a list of valid values to use in the "pOption" parameter.
  • The pValue parameter (string) contains the new value which you want to update / change.
  • If you pass oiw:WindowState as the first parameter, then the second parameter must be one of the following:
    • oiw:RestoreWindow
    • oiw:MaximizeWindow
    • oiw:MinimizeWindow
  • If you pass oiw:PageOrientation as the first parameter, then the second parameter must be one of the following:
    • oiw:OrientLandscape
    • oiw:OrientPortrait
  • Returns true (1) if no problems were experienced.


MyWord.Update (oiw:StatusBar, 'Hello World')
TempByte = MyWord.Update (oiw:WindowState, oiw:MinimizeWindow)


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Properties of the oiExcel class.

This section lists the properties of the Excel class and their use. This section is a work in Progress and will be fleshed out in the next few releases.

oiWord Class Properties
New Properties (also listed below)
  dontCloseOnKill Leaves Word open when the Kill method is called (common to all classes)
oiExcel Propeties



Setting dontCloseOnKill to a non zero value will cause the instance of Word to remain open when the Kill method is called. Any documents that have been created or opened will be left open etc. The state of the Word window will be set to the default state for a newly opened Word window (this behaviour is determined by Office). This property is common to all the Office objects, and be used with Excel etc.

The property should be set after the call to the Init() method, and before the call to Kill().


! Clean up the object and COM interface, but leave Word open:
myWord.dontCloseOnKill = 1 myWord.Kill()

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bullet smallThe oiWord Class - Equates

"Update / GetInfo" Equates    ( used in the GetInfo and Update methods )

Equate: GetInfo? Update? Description...   ( TO DO )
oiw:Height the height of the MS Word application window
oiw:PageLeftMargin the current document's left margin
oiw:PageRightMargin the current document's right margin
oiw:PageWidth the actual width of the current document (incl margins)
oiw:Top the y coordinate of the MS Word application window


oiw:Width the width of the MS Word application window
"Goto" Equates     ( used in the GotoItem method )

This section of the documentation is deprecated. Please refer to the new GotoItem method documentation for a full list of equates and descriptions of each value and how they can be used.


"LineStyle" Equates
Used in the TableGetInsideBordersLineStyle, TableGetOutsideBordersLineStyle, TableSetInsideBordersLineStyle, TableSetOutsideBordersLineStyle methods.



"Underline" Equates
Used in the TableSetCellUnderline, Underline methods.

See the reference titled MS Word Underline Styles for graphical examples of these styles.



"Texture" Equates
Used in the TableGetCellTexture, TableSetCellTexture methods )

See the reference titled MS Word Textures for graphical examples of these equates.



Toolbar Equates 
Used in the ShowToolbar and HideToolbar methods.

! oiw:ToolbarFrames equate   !duplicate
! oiw:ToolbarDiagram ! duplicate


Callback Event Equates    
Used in the TakeEvent method.



SaveFormat Equates
See the SaveAs method documentation for a full list of equates.


Break-Type Equates
( used in the InsertBreak method )



Text Orientation Equates
( used in the InsertTextbox method )



Z-Order Equates
( used in the InsertTextbox method )



ShowMessage Equates
( used in the ShowMessage method )


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bullet Dll Functions

At this time we have documented all functions for all the Office components in the "main" OfficeInside.htm document.  Click here to go to that section.

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bulletUseful References

bullet smallHow to add Spell Checking to your Applications

  1. Load your application

  2. Choose Template Utility from the IDE's Application menu

  3. Choose ShowSpellingSuggestionsABC (found under Class OfficeInside), and click the Select button

You should now see a new procedure in your application called oiShowSpellingSuggestions.  This window is called by Office Inside when it checks your spelling from within other procedures in your application.  The reason we need this window in your application (rather than just making it part of our dll) is so that you can tweak it to fit the cosmetics of your application.  The instructions from here on might change with future builds of Office Inside (we are still in beta), but for now proceed as follows:

  1. Select a procedure in your application that you want to add Spell Checking support to

  2. Right-click on the procedure and choose Extensions

  3. If you already have an Add an MS Word object to this procedure extension template listed for this procedure, skip to point 8, otherwise:

  4. Click Insert.  Choose Add_MSWord_Object and click Select.

  5. Select the Add an MS Word object to this procedure extension, and then click the Insert button

  6. Choose Word_SpellChecking and click the Select button

  7. Click OK and compile your application!

As stated above, these steps might change in future releases.  It would be idea if we could simply tick an option on the Global Extension template to add spell-check support throughout your entire application, and that may come in a future build of Office Inside.  The current approach (above) involves adding the Word_SpellChecking extension template to every procedure in your app that you want to add spell check support to.  This extension template needs to "hang off" a Add an MS Word object to this procedure extension template.  More to come, watch this space...


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bullet smallTips & FAQs

This section contains Tips and Frequently Asked Questions pertaining only to the MS Word parts of Office Inside.  For Tips and FAQ's pertaining to the product as a whole, or to other components, please click here


MyWord.OpenDoc is not working...
bullet small Users have reported cases where passing filenames that do not contain a drive letter fail on certain machines ( e.g. \folder1\folder2\test.doc )
Compile error: "No matching prototype available" on calling "oiShowSpellingSuggestions" function
  bullet small We changed the oiShowSpellingSuggestions procedure in version 1.65.  Please delete your "oiShowSpellingSuggestions" procedure, and run the template utility again (Application --> Template Utility --> Class OfficeInside --> ShowSpellingSuggestions)
Can I use RGB color values rather than Clarion color equates with MS Word?
  bullet small Yes!  You can either pass in a standard Clarion equate (e.g. color:blue), or you can pass in the BGR long (returned by the ColorDialog function for example), or you can use the oi_RGBToBGRLong function to get a long from three individual RGB values, and pass that in!
  4. When using editable reports, I get the compile errors "Syntax error: Field Not Found: ADDITEM" and "Syntax error: Unknown procedure label".
  bullet small If you are using Legacy and would like to use the Editable Report Word and Excel templates you need to ticked on "Enable the use of ABC classes" checkbox under Global Settings on the Classes tab.
  5. I get a compile error "Invalid use of private data" on a line using an RTFControl.CtlRTF property
  bullet small

A Checkbox has been added to the Global Extension that should be checked in order to use spell checking on a Clarion 6 RTF control. This has been added becuase in order to use spell checking on Clarion 6 RTF controls the RtfControlClass needs to have a line modified. If you have ticked this box to enable spell checking of Clarion 6 RTF controls, then open the file in your Clarion6\libsrc directory and change the lines that reads:




The PROTECTED attribute needs to be commented out in order to allow Office Inside to identify which control the object is associated with.

How do I get a procedure that sends Mail not to check the spelling on each document ? 

This is an Outlook Spelling options setting and is independent of OfficeInside - it will do it for all mail sent if you select the "Always check spelling before sending" check box in the settings (On the File tab, click Options, and then click Mail).


There is no programmatic access to this setting, the only way to change it is via the registry:




'0 = disabled

'1 = enabled


The setting is read on startup, so you cannot change it while Outlook is running, and the key may not be entirely consistent between versions. 

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bullet smallAbout using "Mail Merge"

Before implementing Office Inside's Mail Merge features, we would recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basics of using MS Word's Mail Merge functionality.  The MS Word help files cover this topic extensively, but here's a starter to get you going ( although we would recommend spending some time in MS Word learning about Mail Merging before adding this feature into your apps ).

In a nutshell, Mail Merging consists of reading data from a Data Source ( a file that contains the information to be merged into the Main Document ); then inserting data from the data source into the Merge Fields ( placeholders in your main document ) which you have created in your Main Document ( the document that contains the text / graphics / merge fields ).


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bullet smallMS Word Underline styles

Below is an example of each of the types of underlining that MS Word offers.  See also the Underline method, and the Underline Equates.

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bullet smallMS Word Textures

Below is an example of the various textures used in methods such as SetCellTexture, as listed in the Texture Equates.  These examples show the various textures, using a background color of yellow ( see SetCellBackgroundColor ) and a foreground color of red ( see SetCellForegroundColor



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