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Upgrading to NetTalk 11

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NetTalk Upgrade to NetTalk 11



This document works through the major changes between NetTalk 10 and NetTalk 11. It is designed for users, currently experienced with NetTalk 10 to quickly identify and use the new features in NetTalk 11. It covers things that are likely to break when you upgrade your app, and instructions on how to correct the application to allow for a smooth upgrade. It also covers other new features which you may wish to make use of in your application.

I've upgraded to NetTalk 11 and I'm getting Compile Errors!

The most common cause for compile errors (in NetTalk class code, or generated code) is because one of the other related tools you are using has not been updated. Especially StringTheory and xFiles.
StringTheory version 2.88 or later is Required.

If you are getting compile errors in your embed code then see the list below for the various changes.

New Features

The goal of this section is a quick overview of things that have changed since NetTalk 10 which experienced NetTalk 10 users will want to know about.

NOTE: NetTalk uses many of the latest methods and functions in the following products. If you are using these then please update them at the same time.
StringTheory, xFiles, jFiles, WinEvent 5, Draw 4, File Explorer 5





Web Server


Web API Server



Changes Required to Convert your App from NetTalk 10 to NetTalk 11


TLS Connections require Visual Studio Runtime

NetTalk 11 makes use of OpenSSL version 1.1.1.x for maximum security and protection for your program. This was compiled in Visual Studio 2017, and so requires that the Visual Studio 2017 (x86) runtime be installed on the target machine. Most desktop machines will have this installed already, but servers, especially servers dedicated to your NetTalk WebServer app probably do not. You will need this installed on machines where you offer TLS  Client or Server connections.



  • Internal properties _CommandURL, _LastURLRequested and _TempRedirectURL have been refactored and renamed to _CommandURLst, _LastURLRequestedSt and _TempRedirectURLst. This should not affect programs unless they have used these in embed code (which is unlikely.)
  • Internal method _CheckForHTTPS has been removed - unlikely to affect programs.
  • CompleteURL method now takes StringTheory parameter - unlikely to affect programs.


  • _SaveFile method has been renamed to SaveFile.


Refresh Buttons and Global styles in Web Server procedure

If you have not customized your global styles, and global button settings, then this would be a good time to revert them to default values.

You can do this in the WebServer procedure by deleting all the buttons, (they scroll around - each deleted one is added to the bottom of the list) and by using the various Reset to Defaults checkboxes on the Styles tab.

jQuery-Mobile support removed

Support for jQuery-Mobile was added in NetTalk 6 and was really helpful in allowing apps to work well on small screens. However with the support added in NetTalk 10 for responsive pages the need for a second client-side framework was removed and the feature was deprecated. In NetTalk 11 support for jQuery-Mobile has been removed from template set. This simplifies a lot of code, and also reduces some clutter on the template windows.

The following properties and methods have been removed from the classes. If you are using these in your embed code then you can remove usage of them there.
type NetWebMobileGroup
button property MobileIcon
button property MobileText
property HtmlCommonStylesMobile
property HtmlCommonScriptsMobile
property GoogleFontsMobile
property Mobile
method _SetMobile
method SetMobileBasedOnSize
method SetMobileBasedOnAgent
method IsMobile

jQuery UI Updated

The jQuery UI library has been updated from build 1.10.4 to 1.12.4. This has several implications as far as themes goes.
  • Shipping themes have been updated
  • The old theme\whatever\jquery-ui.css file has been removed, and replaced with theme\whatever\jquery-ui.theme.css. In addition jquery-ui.structure.css has been added to the \web\styles folder.
  • If you have a custom ThemeRoller theme, then open the old jquery-ui.css file, and go to the link noted at the top of the file (typically line 4). This will put your theme back into ThemeRoller, and from there you can download the 1.12.4 version of the theme. From the download copy jquery-ui.theme.css to your theme folder.
  • The \theme\whatever\nettalk-ui.css file has also been updated so that it contains most (or all) of the colors declared elsewhere in the styles. This makes it easier to edit the colors for a theme in one place. See the top of this file for setting the preferred font for your app as well.

Methods Removed

_divHeader and _divFooter deprecated methods have been removed. Use DivHeader and DivFooter instead.

API Server

Auto-Select Rest Parameter Removed

In NetTalk 10 a REST parameter is selected as;
  1. The specified REST parameter is used (if it exists) else
  2. The Primary Key Field of the first Table parameter is used (if it exists) else
  3. The first non-table parameter is used as the REST parameter.
This can lead to some strange effects because the first parameter could be an unusual type for this.
So from NetTalk 11 the 3rd step above is removed.
If no REST parameter is specified, and no Table is used, then there is no REST parameter.


Review mBuild documentation.
[End of this document]
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