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Property Type Description
Styles &StyleQueueA queue for the styles to be used in the list
Legends&LegendQueueA queue containing the legend.
DefaultStylelongThe Default Style.
PrintControllongThe ID of the print button
LegendControllongThe ID of the Legend list box.
MoveUpButtonlongThe legend priority change up button
MoveDownButtonlongThe legend priority change down button
MaxLegendColumnslongMaximum amount of columns permitted in the legend
LegendSpaceControllongThe printable area for the legend.
LegendIconbyte1 to use legend icons, 0 for no icons
ActiveInvisiblebyteSet this property if you want the controls to be refreshed even if they are not visible.
SaveLegendbyteSet to save the legend active and priority for the next session.
LegendChangedlongStores the time of the last LegendChange (active or priority)
LegendRowslongThe number of rows in the legend.
LegendColslongThe number of columns in the legend.
InsertControllongContains the ID of the Insert button (if used)
ChangeControllongContains the ID of the Change button (if used)
DeleteControllongContains the ID of the Delete button (if used)
RefreshButtonlongContains the ID of the Refresh button (if used)
Popup&popupclassA pointer to the popup class (for updates)
PopupDatePicturecstring(10)A standard Clarion picture token for the date in the popup menu.
ClickDatelongContains the date clicked (set in the TakeAlerted method)
ClickStylelongContains the style clicked (set in the TakeAlerted method)
PopupActionstring(10)Contains the selection from the popup menu.
AmericanbyteSet for American date order (mm,dd,ccyy)


Method Parameters Description
AddButtonControl(Long p_Cont,
Long p_Action)
Sets the ID property for the respective button, and creates the popup entry if required.
p_Cont - the ID of the control
p_Action - the action to associate the control to (InsertRecord, etc.)
AddStyle(String p_Style,
String p_Desc,
Long p_ColorFG=-1,
Long p_ColorBG=-1,
Long p_SelColorFG=-1,
Long p_SelColorBG=-1,
Long p_FontStyle=-1,
Long p_FontSize=-1,
<String p_FontName>,
Long p_Charset=-1,
<String p_Picture>)
Allows you to add a style to the list of possible styles that can be used in the Dates control. You should use this method when adding items to the Style queue rather than adding to the queue directly.
p_Style - the unique identifier for the style. This is usually a number but it doesn't have to be a number. If it is non-numeric then the StyleNumber method is used to turn the name into a number.
p_Description - will be used in the Legend.
The reset of the parameters dictate the colors, and font information used in the style.
GetDayName(Long p_d),StringReturns the numeric name of the day (like 1st, 2nd, etc). You can override this method for translation.
p_d - a number from 1 to 31 containing the day of month.
GetMonthName(Long p_m,
Long p_y=0,
Long p_Flag=0),String
Returns the name of the month. Depending on the Flag, will depend on the name length returned. You can override this method for translation purposes.
p_m - a number from 1 to 12 indicating the month.
p_y - optionally include the year in the returned description.
p_Flag - Name:Full - returns complete name, Name:Short returns first 3 chars, Name:Initial returns first char.
GetStyleActive(String p_Style),LongReturns whether the style is active(1) or not (0).
p_Style - the ID or description of the style.
GetStyleColors(String p_Style,
*Long FG, 
*Long BG),Long,Proc
Returns 1 for colors set, and 0 for error. Sets the passed color handles to the values in the style.
p_Style - a styleID or description.
FG - a handle of a long to contain the foreground color
BG - a handle of a long to contain the background color
GetWeekDayName(Long p_date,
Long p_Flag=0),String
Returns the name of the day. Depending on the Flag, will depend on the name length returned. You can override this method for translation purposes.
p_date - the date.
p_Flag - Name:Full - returns complete name, Name:Short returns first 3 chars, Name:Initial returns first char.
Init()Inits the class (sets up pointers, etc.)
Kill()Kills the class (disposes pointers, etc)
Load(String p_Item,
String p_Default),String
A template method for returning stored values (for the legend queue)
PopulateLegend()Populate the legend control and setup the styles, etc.
Reset(Long Force=0)Nothing in here but will be used by child classes when data needs to be reset.
Run(Long Number,
Long Request)
A template generated method that contains the call to the form (when update is required).
Save(String p_Item,
String p_Value)
A template generated method that will save legend entry status (priority and active status).
StyleNumber(String p_Name),LongA method that returns the Style number in the Style queue.
p_Name - the description of the style.
TakeAlerted(),longHandles the popup (if update is used).
TakeEvent(),longCalls the TakeNewSelection, TakeAccepted and TakeAlerted depending on the event received.
TakeNewSelection()Handles the Activating and de-activating of styles in the legend list box.
TakeAccepted()Handles the accepted events from the legend priority buttons.
CanInsert(),longReturns a 1 if a record is insertable.
CanEdit(),longReturns a 1 if there is a record to be edited.
Debug(string pDebugStr,
<string pCommandLine>)
Returns a 1 if there is a record to be deleted.
AddIcon(long pControl,
string pIcon,
byte pIconID=0),long
Sends a debug string to the debugviewer.
Add an icon to the icon array. Returns the IconID if no IconID is passed.
pControl - the ID of the control to add the Icon to.
pIcon - the icon file.
pIconID - the reference number of the icon (in the array).
GetDateStyle(long pDate,
byte pStyleCount=1),byte
This method returns the top (or otherwise specified) layered style. It will search until it finds a style that is not inactive and return that one. Search is done in order of the legends queue (top to bottom) not in style number. This means that if you re-order the legends queue, different styles will ascend to the top of the priority for a given day.
ValidateStyle(long pDate,
byte pStyle),byte
Returns true (used in child inheritances).
GetLegendNo(long pStyleNo), longReturns the StyleID of the style number passed. This is to determine the priority of a specified style.
Update(Long p_d)Virtual method for reloading a record, just prior to calling the form. p_d is the date that needs to be loaded
SetEditButtonStates()Sets enable status of the update buttons.
PrimeRecord()A virtual method allowing priming of fields before update procedure is called.

YearClass (Based on the DateClass)


Property Type Description
MonthList&MonthListQueueA pointer to the working (in current use) month queue.
MonthList1&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control1.
MonthList2&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control2.
MonthList3&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control3.
MonthList4&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control4.
MonthList5&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control5.
MonthList6&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control6.
MonthList7&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control7.
MonthList8&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control8.
MonthList9&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control9.
MonthList10&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control10.
MonthList11&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control11.
MonthList12&MonthListQueueThe month queue for control12.
DataStyleGroupGroup,dim(36526)A group containing the validity of a style for each day (i.e. the array spans 36526 days or 100 years).
Arraylong,dim(8)Bit loaded for each style, i.e. 1 bit for each style (256 bits in all).
NumControlslongNumber of month controls
BoundryControllongThe group that encompasses the MonthControls
MonthGroup,pre(),dim(MaxQ)A group containing the control information for each month
ControllongThe ID of the list box for that month
DayHeadersbyteContains Name:Full, Name:Short, Name:Initial
MonthHeaderbyteContains Name:Full, Name:Short, Name:Initial
ScrollingGroupA group containing the scrolling details
AtMonthlongFirst control's month
AtYearlongFirst control's year
FromMonthlongFirst month that can be scrolled back to (default Jan)
FromYearlongFirst year that can be scrolled back to (default last year)
FromDatelongFirst date that can be scrolled back to
ToMonthlongLast month which can appear in the last month
ToYearlongLast year which can appear in the last month's data
LastDatelongLast date that can be scrolled to
BackButtonlongThe ID of the scrollback button
ForwardButtonlongThe ID of the scrollforward button
JumplongThe amount of months (from 1 to 12) that the scrolling jumps
PrintGroupThe print details group
HeaderTextString(255)The heading to print at the top of the calendar


Method Parameters Description
AddListControl(Long p_Queue,
Long p_MonthListControl,
Byte p_Headers=3,
Byte p_GroupHeader=9,
Byte p_Underline=1,
Byte p_Resize=0,
Byte p_RightBorder=1) 
Called from template (or hand-code) , usually in procedure startup area. Links a MonthList Queue with a list box on the window. Note that this is the Q number, it's not directly related to the month it contains calls WithQueue.
p_Queue - the number of the queue (1 to 12)
p_MonthListControl - the list control to assign the queue to.
p_Headers - the length of the day header.
p_GroupHeader - the length of the month header.
AddScroll(Long p_Fromdate=-1,
Long p_ToDate=-1,
Long p_StartAt=-1,
Long p_BackButton=0,
Long p_ForwardButton=0,
Long p_Jump=1) 
This method sets up up the scrolling settings.
p_FromDate - the date to scroll back to.
p_ToDate - the date to scroll forward to.
p_StartAt - the date of the top left control.
p_BackButton - the button control to scroll backwards.
p_ForwardButton - the button to scroll forwards.
p_Jump - the number of months to scroll with one button click. 
AddStyle(String p_Style,
String p_Desc,
Long p_ColorFG=-1, 
Long p_ColorBG=-1, 
Long p_SelColorFG=-1, Long p_SelColorBG=-1,
Long p_FontStyle=-1,
Long p_FontSize=-1,
<String p_FontName>,
Long p_Charset=-1,
<String p_Picture>) 
This method adds a style to all the month list controls.
p_Style - the style number
p-Desc - the description of the style (to appear on the legend)
The other parameters set the style attributes.
GetClickDate(Long p_Cont, 
Long p_Row=-1, 
Long p_Clm=-1),Long 
This method returns the date that was clicked on.
p_Cont - the list control that was clicked on.
p_Row - the row that was clicked.
p_Clm - the column that was clicked on.
FormatQueue(Long p_q=0)This method sets up the headers and styles each cell.
p_q - the number of the list control (1 to 12)
GetStyle(Long p_Date),LongThis method returns the style that is currently viewed on a specific day.
p_Date - the date of the cellstyle to return.
Init()Defaults the scrolling details and initialises.
Kill()Primes the queue with the day numbers and sets the initial styles.
p_m - the month (number)
p_y - the year (number)
PrimeQueue(Long p_m,
Long p_y)
This method outputs the calendar to a printer.
PrintNow()Resets the list from the queued data. If Force is set, then the data is refreshed from disk.
Reset(Long Force=0)Resizes the calendar to fit the new group size.
Resize()Scrollback the amount of months set in the jump property.
ScrollBack()Scrollforward the amount of months set in the jump property.
SetStyle(string p_Style,
Long p_FromDay,
Long p_ToDay,
Long p_Month, 
Long p_Year)
Obsolete method. This method is superceded by the new method AddStyleToDate.
SetStyle(string p_Style,
Long p_Date)
Obsolete method. This method is superceded by the new method AddStyleToDate.
TakeAccepted()Handles the ScrollBack, ScrollForward and Print events.
TakeAlerted(),longHandles the alerted events on the Monthlist boxes. Sets the clickdate and style. Returns the returnvalue from the DateClass.TakeAlerted method.
AddStyleToDate(long pDate,
byte pStyle)
This method adds a style to a particular date. 
Styles are layered, which means that you can have more than one style per day. If Styles are turned off, then the layer beneath will be shown.
pDate - the date to add the style to
pStyle - the ID of the style to add to the date.
LoadData()This method is used to refresh the style array.
This will be done in the derived method in the application. The style array is cleared here, so you should place the repopulation code after the parent call.
WithMonth(long pMonth, 
long pYear),Long
When you have the month, and year, and you want to work on the Queue. This finds the month in the current selection (taking scrolling into
account) and then calls WithQueue. Returns 0 if the month is not visible, and the Q number otherwise.
WithQueue(long q)Sets the MonthList queue to point to the correct queue. News the queue if the queue is null.
ValidateStyle(long pDate,
byte pStyle),byte
This method returns whether a style is valid for a particular date. Returns 0 if invalid.
pDate - the date to check
pStyle - the ID of the style to check.

PickerClass (Based on the YearClass)


Property Type Description
MonthQ&MonthQTypeThe handle to the queue for the month list box.
MonthDropListlongThe Control ID of the Month drop list.
YearFieldlongThe control ID of the year entry field
BackYearlongThe Back year button control ID
ForwardYearlongThe forward year button control ID
StartDatelongThe Date to start from (today()) if no date sent
SentDatelongThe actual date sent.
GoToStartButtonlongThe ID of the button to return to the start date.
CancelButtonlongThe ID of the cancel button.


Method Prototype Description
TakeAccepted()Handles the button events (scrolling, cancel, return to start)
Init(long pStartDate)Sets the startdate , calls the other Init method.
pStartDate - the date for the month to view initially.
Init()Sets up the queue.
TakeAlerted(),longReturns level:fatal if a date was picked on the list box.
Kill()Disposes the created queues.

PlannerClass (Based on the CellsClass)


Property Type Description
Plan&PlannerQueueThe handle to the queue that will contain the planner data
ControllongThe ID of the list control
RowslongThe number of detail rows per parent row.
ColumnslongThe number of days to view.
ProgressControllongThe control ID of the progress control
ZoomInControllongZoom in button ID
ZoomOutControllongZoom out button ID
FirstDatelongThe date of the 2nd column
DatePiccstring(20)The date picture to use for the day column headings
LeftHeadingstring(50)The string to place in the left column heading
ZoombyteCurrent zoom
RootWidthlongthe zoomed in width.
_IconUsedbyte,dim(MaxP)Contains the ID of the icon to use for each row
_IconWherebyteContains 0 for no Icons, 1 for Toprow only, 2 for all rows.
_IconTypebyteContains 0 for no icons, 1 for normal and 2 for transparent.
ClickIDlongThe ID of the record in the template queue that was clicked on.


Method Prototype Description
UseIcon(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row,
Long p_Flag)
Use a particular icon at a cell/row.
p_Col,p_Row - where the icon must be used
p_Flag - the ID of the icon to use.
Addstyle(String p_Style,
String p_Desc,
Long p_ColorFG=-1, 
Long p_ColorBG=-1, 
Long p_SelColorFG=-1, 
Long p_SelColorBG=-1,
Long p_FontStyle=-1,
Long p_FontSize=-1,
<String p_FontName>,
Long p_Charset=-1,
<String p_Picture>)
Add a style to the planner list box.
p_Style - the ID of the style to add.
p_Desc - description of the style (for the legend)
The other parameters set the style modifiers.
ChangeColumns(long p_Cols)This method is used to load the specified amount of column data into the listbox.
p_Cols - number of days of data to display
GetClickDate(Long p_col),LongReturns the date clicked on.
p_Col - the column clicked.
GetIcon(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row),Long
Returns the icon ID of the icon used at the p_Col, and p_Row (or cell).
GetItem(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row),String
Returns the item (i.e. the text) of the p_Col and p_Row (or cell).
GetStyle(Long p_Col=0,
Long p_Row=0,
long p_Cell=0),Long
Returns the ID of the style found at a specific p_Cell in a p_Col/p_Row.
ListColumn(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row),Long
Returns the physical column number of a cell (useful in a multi-line row).
LoadPlan()Loads the Planner Queue and does a reset Styles.
LoadPlanCells(Long p_Col=0)Calls the LoadCells method and handles the progress control
PrintNow()Future method - will print the calendar
ReadData(Long p_Col)Reads the data from the plannerQueue to the queue used in the list box (derived method in the template).
Reset(Long Force=0)If Forced, then does a complete reload and redraw of the Calendar, otherwise, just redraws it (using the data in the queues).
GetColumnHeader(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row=1),String
Gets the text to place in the column's header field (formatted date)
SetColumnWidth(Long p_Col, 
Long p_Width)
Sets the column width to p_Width
SetControl(Long p_Control,
Long p_Cols, 
Long p_Rows,
String p_Head)
Sets up the formatting for the Calendar (Headers, offsets, column pictures, etc)
SetHeadersSets the Header justification and offsets.
SetIcon(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row,
Long p_Icon)
Sets the icon of a particular cell.
SetItem(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row,
Long p_Item)
Sets the text of a particular cell
SetStyle(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row,
Long p_Style)
Sets the style of a particular cell.
SetID(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row,
Long p_ID)
Sets the identifier of a particular cell (for reference back to the planner queue).
TakeAccepted()Handles zoom in, zoom out in addition to the controls handled by the parent class.
TakeAlerted(),longHandles the alert keys for zoom in and zoom out in addition to the alerts handled by the parent class.
UseIcons(Long p_where,
Long p_Type)
Will ensure that icons are populated in the correct cells for multi-lined rows.
p_Where: 0 = nowhere, 1 = toprow, 2 = all rows, 255 = use iconcolumns property
p_Type: 0 = off, 1 = normal, 2 = transparent
ZoomIn()Execute a ZoomIn, IOW make the columns wider.
ZoomOut()Execute a ZoomOut, IOW make the columns narrower.
ZoomChanged(long p_Dir)Handles the execution of a ZoomOut or ZoomIn (format column headers, and sets column widths)
p_Dir - 1=ZoomIn, -1 = ZoomOut
SetClickedInfo(Long p_col,
long p_Row=0)
Set the Cell clicked and the ClickDate properties.

MonthClass (Based on the DateClass)


Property Type Description
BoundrylongThe handle of the group that contains the month controls (geographically)
HeaderlongThe handle of the string control header.
DaysGroup,dim(31)A group containing all the necessary information for each day control.
ControllongThe handle of the list or text control for the day of the month.
ImagelongThe handle of the image that displays the date to display behind the text/list control.
DayTextlongThe handle of the string that displays on top of the text/list control.
monthlongContains the month that is currently being displayed (1 to 12).
yearlongThe year in which the month is that is currently being displayed.
FirstDatelongThe date of the first day of the month that is being displayed.
LastDatelongThe date of the last day of the month that is being displayed.
DayHeadersbyteA flag to indicate whether the day names should be fullnames, shortnames or a single letter.
MonthHeaderbyteA flag to indicate whether the month name should be fullname, shortname or a single letter.
BackControllongThe handle of the button to scroll back a month.
ForwardControllongThe handle of the button to scroll forward a month.
PixelRatioreal(1)The ratio between the Dialog unit size and the size in pixels of the window.
ImageSizeRatioreal(0.5)The proptional size that the Day of month indicator should be (in proportion to the size of the month control).
ImageVOrientationbyteA flag containing the vertical orientation of the day indicator. 0 = top, 1 = center, 2 = bottom
ImageHOrientationbyteA flag containing the horizonal orientation of the day indicator. 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right
ImageColorlongThe color of the day indicator.
DrawnbyteIndicates whether the day indicator has been drawn or not.
DrawClass&DrawThe handle of the draw class to draw the day indicator behind the text control (future feature).
ImageBehindbyteA flag indicating whether the day indicator should be drawn behind the month data (1) or float on top (0).


Methods Parameters Description
Init(Long p_b,
Long p_d=0)
Init( )
Resize( )
Reset(Long Force=0)Does a reset and calls Resize.
GetData(long pDay,
long pStyle,
long pPtr),long
A method, used for template generated code to load the data from the Template generated view queue into the queue for a particular day. Returns a 0 if none found, or the pointer to the record.
pDay - the day of month
pStyle - the style to look for
pPtr - the record to retrieve (if 0 then record is got by pDay/pStyle).
Kill( )Disposes of newed items
TakeAccepted( )Handles the accepted events for the controls (specifically the back and forward buttons).
TakeEvent( ),longSets the clickdate and handles events related to the month view controls.

MonthListClass (Based on the MonthClass)


Methods Parameters Description
DayList&MonthDayQTypeA variable pointer to the DayList queue - this is used to work with.
Day1List&MonthDayQTypeContains the queue of data to display in the list control for the first day.


Methods Parameters Description
Init( )Sets up the list controls for each day.
AssignQueue(long pDay,
byte pFree=0)
Creates a queue for each day in the month, or assigns the reference queue handle to the queue handle for the required day's queue.
pDay - the day of month.
pFree - free the queue for that day in the month
SetStyle(long pDay,
String p_Style)
Set the style for a particular entry in the DayList queue.
AddStyle(String p_Style,
String p_Desc,
Long p_ColorFG=-1, 
Long p_ColorBG=-1, 
Long p_SelColorFG=-1, 
Long p_SelColorBG=-1,
Long p_FontStyle=-1,
Long p_FontSize=-1,
<String p_FontName>,
Long p_Charset=-1,
<String p_Picture>)
This method adds a style to the stylearrays of all the day lists. It also adds the style to the Legend queue.
RefreshLists( )Refresh the data in each day list.
Reset(long Force=0)Does a refrehslist and If Force is set, then re-loads the data.
Kill( )Disposes of the newed items (Queues)
LoadData( )A method to load data from the file to a list - template generated code.
Update(Long p_d),longLoad the highlighted record from the day queue to prepare for updating a table record.
TakeAlerted( ),longSetClickinfo and handle alerted events for the controls associated with the MonthView.
TakeNewSelection( )SetclickInfo when a list box is selected.
SetClickInfo(long pDay)Assigns the correct day queue, and sets all the clicked infor (date, style, and gets the record from the day list)
AddIcon(long pControl=0,
string pIcon,
byte pIconID=0),long
Adds an icon to the Day queue for use in the listboxes.

SchedulerClass (Based on the CellsClass)


Property Type Description
StartTimelongThe first time used (i.e. the top row).
EndTimelongThe last time used (i.e. the last row).
BlockSizelongThe time duration represented by each row.
HeaderlongThe handle of the header string indicating the day displayed.
HeaderFormatlongFormat for the date of DateHeader.
ClickTimelongThe time of the cell clicked.
ColumnHeaderstring(100),dim(MaxP)The header string for column 2 to MaxP
ColumnHeaderIDlong,Dim(MaxP)The pointer to the record used for the column header.
FirstClickTimelongThe time of the cell first cell clicked (used for a range of selected cells).
LastClickTimelongThe time of the cell last cell clicked (used for a range of selected cells).


Methods Parameters Description
Init(long pStartDate=0)Sets up defaults if the necessary properties have not been set.
GetColumnHeader(Long p_Col,
Long p_Row=1),String
Returns the header string for a particular column.
p_Col - column ID
p_Row - (if there are multiple cells in each row for each column, then send the number of the Row)
MoveColumn(long pFrom,
long pTo)
Future feature - move columns into a manual sort order.
TakeEvent( ),longWill handle dragging and dropping of date entries.
Reset(long Force=0)Resets the data in the columns.
LoadCells(Long p_Col=0,
*long p_Progress)
Loads the data into the respective cell using the ReadData method.
p_Col - the column to load (0 loads them all)
p_Progress - the handle to the progress variable.
LoadPlan( )Sets up the left column's displayed data.
ChangeDateTo(long pDate)Handles a complete date change of data displayed.
pDate - date to change to.
SetClickedInfo(Long p_col=0,
long p_Row=0,
long p_Control=0)
Sets all the clicked properties (Date, Time, Id, etc.).
SetClickedHistory(byte pClear=0,
long pEvent=0)
Stores the last clicked properties where necessary (or clears if no shift - or rightclick out of range).
OutsideSelectedRange( ),longCheck if time is outside the selected range (0 if in range, 1 if outside the range)
GetClickedRow( ),longAt present uses physical row, but reserved for later use when multiple rows are supported.
AddDateToSelected(*long pClickDate,
*long pFirstDate)
Highlights selected cells when a range is selected.
CheckInRange(long pEndDate,
long pEndTime=0,
long pCol=0),long
Sets the Date Header text.
SetHeaderText(long pDate)