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bullet small The FeHtmlEditor Object


bullet small The Templates


bullet small Useful References

Summary of callback events

Using the HTML editor in Windows Vista


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bulletFile Explorer Classes - FeHtmlEditor

HTML edit icon Formerly known as the Html2 file type / object, the FeHtmlEditor Object is used to edit html pages.


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bullet FeHtmlEditor - Templates

At this time there is quite an overlap in terms of multiple File Explorer classes being implemented by the same templates.  In the future we may revisit this, but for now all templates are covered in the main (FileExplorer.htm) help document, please click here.


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bulletSummary of callback events

See the FeHtmlEditor_Callbacks procedure in the example application for more info.

Event Name Equate Description
ContextMenuAction fe:EdEvt_ContextMenuAction The user right clicked to display the popup context menu
DisplayChanged fe:EdEvt_DisplayChanged The display of the page changed
DocumentComplete fe:EdEvt_DocumentComplete The document completed downloading. For frames pages this will be called once for each frame
OnBlur fe:EdEvt_OnBlur The control lost focus
OnClick fe:EdEvt_OnClick The control was clicked on by the user
OnDblClick fe:EdEvt_OnDblClick The control was double clicked on by the user
OnKeyDown fe:EdEvt_OnKeyDown The user pressed a key
OnKeyPress fe:EdEvt_OnKeyPress The user pressed a key
OnKeyUp fe:EdEvt_OnKeyUp The user released the pressed key
OnMouseDown fe:EdEvt_OnMouseDown The mouse button was pressed
OnMouseMove fe:EdEvt_OnMouseMove The mouse was moved
OnMouseOut fe:EdEvt_OnMouseOut The mouse was moved outside the control
OnMouseOver fe:EdEvt_OnMouseOver The mouse was moved over the control
OnMouseUp fe:EdEvt_OnMouseUp The mouse button was released
OnReadyStateChange fe:EdEvt_OnReadyStateChange  
ShowContextMenu fe:EdEvt_ShowContextMenu The right click context menu will be displayed


Using the HTML editor in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

The new feEditor class that ships with FileExplorer 5 and later is compatible with Vista and Windows Server 2008 and does not have any dependancies other than requiring Internet Explorer.

To use the old FeHtmlEditor under Windows Vista you need to ship the DhtmlEd.msi that FileExplorer will place in your Clarion\3rdparty\bin\ directory when it is installed. This should be run to install the MS DHTML control on the users machine when your application is installed. We recommend not using the old control, but rather using the new feEditor, which is the default with FileExplorer 5 and higher. Not only is it faster, but it is more feature rich and stable than the Microsoft based control is.

[end of document]