Capesoft Software CapeSoft Newsletter September 2008

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Newsletter September 2008

Capesoft Email Server 4
Web based admin along with dozens of new features and fixes.

The drop in and forget solution for limiting instances of your application

Capesoft Extended Support
Get even more with our extended support options

Free Stuff
Free tools, accessories and applications from CapeSoft

Refund Policy
If you doesn't work for you, we want it back!


Capesoft Email Server 4

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Do you need an Email Server that is easy to setup?
Are you tired of losing emails - or an unstable Email Server?
Do you get frustrated when you hit an email boxes limit?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you've come to the right place.
Capesoft Email Server:
  • Solid, reliable and compact - an SMTP & POP3 Server for business and home environments.
  • Easy to use and provides you with full control over email domains, mailboxes and aliases.
  • Feature rich, including unlimited mailboxes.


The Email Server 4 release includes exciting new features, fixes and improvements.

Go to for more info.

For Developers - Email Server Source Code

Email Server is also available as source - for those developers wanting to build an Email Server into their applications. Go to for more info.

Visit to purchase any of our products.



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RunOnce is one of those drop in and forget templates that ensures your application will only run in one instance. Simple and effective.

When a second instance of your exe runs, it brings the current instance to the top - and passes any command line parameters to the current instance.


  RunOnce is available for an introductory special of $39 until October 7, 2008, when the price goes up to $49 Buy now at ClarionShop

Work Smarter, Not Harder!

At Capesoft we do the hard work for you, so you can get on with the important things.

  • Free product updates
  • Free world class support
  • Powerful, feature rich products



We don't spam! But your spam filter may not be smart enough to know that, so please make sure that is on your whitelist. Spam filtering is the number one reason that people don't get replies or mail from us, so to ensure that you get the first class support that you have come to expect from CapeSoft, please make sure that your spam filter is set up to allow our mail to arrive safely in your inbox.


Capesoft Support

Here at CapeSoft we've realised that people using our products can run into challenging situations that require more intensive support than we were offering under the old support system. As a result, some programmers need help in getting things to work speedily. We'd like to offer customers more intensive support when those tricky situations arrive.

Level 0 - Bug Fixes.
This is free and naturally one of our top priorities. If you find a bug we want to hear from you.

Level 1 - Free email support.
This includes help with understanding what the tool can do, answering basic questions, identifying relevant sections of documentation, and examples. Our goal of 1 working day turn-around time for support emails means that we'll aim to get you up and going within a day.

Level 2 - Extended Assistance ($100 per hour).

Level 3 - Prioritisation of Features ($100 per hour).

» Learn more about the Support options
» Click here to contact support

Free Stuff

Because what's better than getting free stuff?

CapeSoft Safe Reader
CapeSoft Safe Reader allows extraction and execution of files encrypted in a Safe file with CapeSoft Safe Writer.

 Object Writer (A third party Clarion Accessory useful only for Clarion Developers)
Object Writer helps you to build and maintain your own classes easily. It also helps you to use these classes in your applications.
 feMail is a fully featured email client (currently in Beta). It supports plain text and HTML emails, image embedding, attachments and everything else that you would find in a mail client like Outlook Express or Windows Mail and more.

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If It doesn't work for you - we want it back!

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How our Refund Policy works:
If you bought one of our products (accessories, software or source code) through CapeSoft or ClarionShop, then we offer a 30 day refund policy. We will refund you the full amount. If you purchased the software longer that 30 days ago, and would like a refund, please send us some more information with your email.

Simply drop us an email to . The following information helps us process the refund:

Which product you are returning
Your name
Your email address
Your ClarionShop Order Number (optional)
If you can supply us with a reason, it can help us improve our products (optional)

Why we have a Refund Policy:
At CapeSoft we believe in happy customers. We believe all our products do their job, and do it well.

But we're realistic enough to know that our software isn't going to fit every situation. That's why we have a strong refund policy. If you aren't satisfied with our products, we would like them back - and we will refund you the money.

This allows you to purchase our products with confidence.

More Information:
Here's an article written that expresses some of our thoughts regarding refunds:
To Refund or Not - by Bruce Johnson


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